Certain issues

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I got back home from getting groceries (finally), and I realized I forgot one thing. "I forgot the goddamn ICE CREAM!" I exclaimed out loud. I put away EVERYTHING ELSE then plopped my ass on the couch covering my face with dissatisfaction. "Why the hell do I forget the one thing I need yet remember everything else, seriously why?" I stopped in my own thoughts as my phone rang, I checked the phone and it was my mom. "Hi mom." I answered. "Hi Alison, are you stressed out again?" She always calls at the right moments. "Yes." I answered. "Look, Jackson, just wasn't the man for you. He had so many flaws, you could have gone with someone else." She said. "Of course he has flaws mom, he's not God. There's no such thing as the perfect person." I told her. "Yet even though he said it's about his problems, I still feel like it was my fault we broke up somehow." I continued. "Sweetie I know how hard it is to be in a break up, but you just have to accept it and just find someone else. I mean you'll find someone better, and maybe one who will have nicer children." She told me. "Yeah like I want children." I said. "But still, you'll find someone else." She says. "Oka-, hey wait, nicer children? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "Nothing Alison, I have to go now." She says. "Okay mom." She then hangs up. She always calls at the awkward moments or every time I'm upset. I don't know how she knows but I shouldn't complain, I have so much to complain about at work tomorrow.

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