"Back to school tomorrow," She sighed happily. I knew that she rather liked school, for she was a straight A student. Me? Not so much.

Last summer I took summer courses just to pass into sophomore year. Des is trying to help me so that I don't make the same mistake I did last school year. I gladly appreciated it, and decided to take in as much study time I could with her.

"Yeah, no sleeping in. If I could sleep til' 1:00 every day, I would." I stated matter-of-factly, pointing my finger at her for added effect.

"We all know that, Alexi. Don't you think you would like... explode? Like from too much sleep?" She giggled. I rolled my eyes playfully, refocusing on the road.


            "Shit," I mumbled under my breath as I power walked to my next class. Conveniently, it was the farthest class from my locker, and I was already running late. Just my luck, I thought to myself. I focused on balancing the tower of books in my hands, and the next thing I knew, with the force of another (admittedly toned) body, I was on the ground.

"What the hell, man!" I spat, stumbling to grab my things as the late bell rang. I groaned, expecting the detention coming my way.

"Sorry, sorry!" He stuttered, helping me grab my things. I looked up to see who was there, and it was none other than David Delong. The jock of the school who had girls everywhere he went. The guy who broke slutty girl's hearts. The one with the strangely endearing blue eyes...

Stop it, I thought to myself proudly. You're not gonna be another one of David's victims. I added on. He continued sputtering around the floor, trying to pick up my books. In a way, he seemed kind of intimidated by me... It felt really good.

I knelt down, gathering the books that I sprawled acrossed the floor, and held them once again in my arms. "Thanks..." I trailed off, making awkward eye contact that lasted for what seemed like a life time. 

"No problem, Alexia." He said, smiling at me dreamily.

"Alexi." I said, slightly raising my eyebrows. He gave me a confused look, scrunching his brows together. "It's Alexi. Not Alexia. I don't like being called by my real name." I said, looking at the floor, losing track of where we are, and being filled up with nerves that I rarely felt. 

He caught on, and nodded. "Oh, I get it. If it means anything, I like both... Names that is." I could feel the awkward tension building, and I could've sworn I saw his cheeks go red.

"Er, well anyways... I better get to class. Bye." I stuttered, quickly rushing to my next class. What the hell was that?! 


"Alexia," I faintly heard Mrs. Malcom's annoyed tone. I grumbled, using my forearms as a pillow for my forehead. 

"Alexi," I heard her clearer this time, her voice getting more frustrated.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, looking up at my history teacher with sleepy eyes.

She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, and I sensed the whole class's eyes on me. I took it as a challenge. 

"Sup?" I smiled, eyes still drowsy. The class chuckled, and I felt Jason's foot nudge mine, telling me to either stop, or keep it up. I took the second option.

"What's 'sup', is that you are sleeping in my class. Once again." She said, raising her eyebrows so far up that I thought they would have fallen off. I smiled innocently and replied "Oh, it seems so! I'm sorry Mrs. Malcom." I said, smiling once again at my least favorite teacher. She tutted and walked back up to the front of the class, talking about some war that happened ages ago. 

I turned my head to face Jason, and we were both laughing silently as he gave me a highfive. While the teacher wasn't looking, some kids gave me thumbs up, which I returned laughing. Most of The Fakes gave me dirty looks, but I could really care less. 

"I'm suprised you haven't landed yourself a detention with that one, Alexi." He chuckled as we walked out of the classroom, following some other people in front of us. 

"Eh, me too. I bet Malcom's used to it by now." I smirked, holding my stack of books in one arm.

He chuckled, shaking his head and tutting. "You're gonna get it sometime, you know that, right?" He smirked, raising one eyebrow. I nodded in agreement and shrugged,

~Hey! Thank's for reading, I'm trying to do from 1,000-2,000 words per chapter, so updates may take a while. Sorry! 

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