Chapter 2

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White. The color of purity and innocence. But to me it was just a pain in my ass. That's all I saw when I opened my eyes. Just a plain white room and honestly, it was so bright that I had to keep my eyes closed. Honestly, who decided it was a great idea to make rooms in hospital's white, especially when someone just woke up from a coma or something. It's like they want them to go blind.
I've been awake for a couple hours now and my family was on their way to see me. Apparently I've been in a coma for months. I had tried taking the IV cord thing out of me, but I was forced to keep it in. God only knows how much I hate IVs.
Five minutes later, the door slams open and in runs my mother, bear hugging me as my dad walks in, smiling, looking like he was crying and was about to cry again, holding a little brown stuffed bear. He stood next to me and nudged my mom.
"Honey, I think she'd like to breath. I know I do," He whispered to her.
My mom chuckled, wiping her tears, and letting go of me, "Oh, right. Of course. I've just missed her. A lot."
My dad smiles, "I know."
As they stand next to each other, I realize they haven't really changed at all. They looked a bit stressed. but who wouldn't when your only child and daughter is in a coma for four months.
Now, let me give you an insight on my mother and father. While my dad is a bank accountant, my mom is a photographer and college teacher for, surprise surprise, photography.
While my dad has short, brown hair. My mom has long, curly blonde hair. Though they both have green eyes and tannish skin.
To be honest, I have of my dad's traits than my mom's. I have brown hair, which I dyed black, bright green eyes, but pale skin. I'm great at math, though I don't particularly like it, but not so great at science. Like my father. Though, I do have some characteristics as my mother. Like taking picture and loving photography.
"Oh, sweetie. There is someone here to see you." My mother says in a loving voice.
I perk up, excited. "Really? Who?"
My dad smiles and looks towards the door, "You can come in now."
And guess who walks in?
Edward Cullen.
No, not really.
In walks Eddie Panza with a smirk on his face.
And in that moment.
I was ready to punch him.
In the mouth.
With a metal chair.
But, sadly I couldn't. I was being restrained by both my parents and the IV.
And Eddie just keeps on smirking, "Sweetheart, be careful there. You might fall and get hurt. Again."
I growl back at him, "Trust me, I won't be the one hurt. That would be you in a few seconds if you don't get out of here."
"Now, now. That's no way to speak to the person who found you with a gunshot to the head and called 911."
I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're lying. You would've just left me there for dead. I'm not one of your rebound girls or sluts so you don't need to care if I was dead or alive."
"Uh, sweetheart...He's not lying.." My mom speaks in a timid voice.
I quickly spin my head towards her, "What?"
"It's true. I saved you. You owe me. And as lovely as this has been, I need to go. Duty calls." And with that, Eddie winks at me, turns around, and walks out.
That little...

Johnny RingoWhere stories live. Discover now