The One

73 7 10

You are the one I like

I see you all the time

You always make me smile

You laugh at all my stupid little jokes

I see you all the time

I never say anything though

You laugh at all my stupid little jokes

While other people would just roll their eyes

I never say anything though

I guess I'm just too shy

While other people would just roll their eyes

You always have a smile

I guess I'm just too shy

To express my true feelings

You always have a smile

I see on your freckled face

To express my true feelings

I should just tell you

I see on your freckled face

You too try to catch glimpses of me

I should just tell you

The truth is always the best

You too try to catch glimpses of me

Others see this too

The truth is the best

The fact is

Others see this too

You are the one I like 

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