The Pride in the Eye of Severus Snape

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 If you's like this, I'll continue. If you's don't, I wont.

- Piper.

Jodie Lily (Potter) Snape, unknown to all but two, is the second child of James and Lily Potter, younger sister to Harry Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived. This is her story.

The day is December 31st 1990 and one Severus Snape has just been informed that he must surrender the daughter of his beloved Lily to her Muggle family.

"No Albus! Lily left her in MY care! I am she is my God Daughter so she is just as much mine as she is those MUGGLES! You promised me you'd keep Lily safe! But you didn't! The least you can do is allow me this!" one very distraught Severus Snape shouted.

"You have a fair point Severus, but what of the boy? He will not survive without blood his blood relations."

"Sirius Black was the named godfather of the boy." Severus spat in disgust, He hated that man so much for what he did to his beloved Lily.

"He was" Albus Dumbledore agreed

"But Jodie is mine! Please! Please! You can't take her from me!" Severus begged the old man, tears shining in his eyes. "Those Muggles don't even know of her existence! Lily refused to tell them even when Potter begged her to! They won’t miss her!"

"But you will." Albus said simply.


The old may sighed. He could see how desperately Severus wanted this. Could see the pain clearly written on his face.

"Alright. You may keep custody of little Jodie-"

"Oh thankyou Albus! Thank you" Severus cut him off.

"BUT! No-one must ever know that she is Lily's daughter. You will tell everyone she is yours. She will go by your name. And you will never, under any circumstance allow the Dark Lord to know of her existence shall he ever return."

"I swear it Albus! I would give my life for her."

"Very well Severus. Go now before the others arrive" The old man told him

"Thank you." and with that, Severus scooped up the sleeping baby in his arms and disappeared into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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