Chapter 4: Doran

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"Hello again sir." I am quite scared.

"Hi Doran," he sighs; his voice was like sandpaper on wood.

"If you don't mind me asking why am I here?"

"You are here because we have security camera's everywhere, including the generator room. Where you were supposed to be creating blueprints, not shutting off the generator."

"What are you implying?"

"I'm saying that I shouldn't have told a 19 year-old the top secret information and sent him to the generator."


" You're fired and you will leave this city and never return. If you do, you will be terminated. If you slip up and reveal the information to any one we will find you and I will do more than just terminate you." He was straight to the point and as unforgiving as concrete.

" Yes sir." I am terrified. That might be an understatement. My dreams are becoming reality.

I hop on my hover cycle and go back to my apartment to grab my things. The buildings surrounding me blur until there are just blotches of color rushing past. The wind catches in my blond hair and I whip behind my head. I rev the engine and I speed down the road, the closest I can get to flying. I pull up in front of the building and park my bike in my designated parking space. I walk up the tile steps into the lobby. I walk straight through the throng of people to the glass elevator, I press the button for floor 62 and wait until the lift comes. I step into the box and get lifted to my floor. I walk down the hallway until I reach my door; I put in my password and walk through the door.

When I see the dark red bedspread I release my disguise of happiness and replace it with what I am actually feeling, exhausted and slight regret. I have a headache behind my temples and at this point I don't think I could do anything for it. I head up to my apartment and try not to think of the consequences if anybody found out what I did. I open my door and put down my bag. I go straight to my bed and flop down on it. I don't know how long I stay like that but when I finally sit up I am so tired. I walk to the bathroom and stand against the sink. I wave my hand over the cold-water sensor and the stream flows out of the nozzle and the water fans out in the basin. The drops run over my hands and I let the water cool down my body temperature. I cup my hands and the water collects there.

I splash the liquid onto my face and the excess water sprays onto my shirt and the floor. The water runs off my face and into the sink. I wipe off my face and look at my reflection in the mirror. I don't have time to worry about what I will do tomorrow, all I know is that I must get a good nights rest before I get banished. I eat the leftovers from the night before and slip into bed.

The sun streams through the window wall and the natural light wakes me up, my eyelids heavy with sleep. I look over at the clock and see that it is 9:32 AM, good enough time as any to get my day started. I open my eyes and lift my arms, stretching with a yawn. I swing my legs off the side of the bed and push myself into a standing position. I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror. For the first time in what feels like forever, I don't have dark circles under my eyes and my skin has a natural glow. I take a nice shower and I don't even bother doing my hair after because, who is going to see it?

I pull on the most comfortable clothes that I own which are, a white t-shirt and dark jeans. I slip on socks and tennis shoes. My backpack is in the closet and I stuff my toiletries and clothes in my bag and sling it over my shoulders. I shut the closet and fling open the front door, daring myself to make this situation real. I step outside the door, one foot at a time. I start running down the hallway, because why not? I take the stairs two at a time instead of the elevator. I hop on my bike and speed out of the city. I pass pristine buildings and thriving parks all while under a nearly cloudless sky. The air streaming past my head and I feel like I am flying. Deep down I know its all fake.

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