"Before I lose your bloody attention with this new look of yours, I had Max book flights to Toronto, seeing as we'll be in Montreal," he said out of nowhere.

I stopped skipping. WTF! "Really? Why?"

"I want to meet your family."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

I certainly wasn't. In a split second he'd turned an awesome day into a crappy one.


The exam day came and a few weeks later so did the desired results. It meant that I was now officially one of Ian's many lawyers, but there was a problem. Somehow I'd still managed to end up as an assistant. I kept the press at bay, made sure undesirables were at a safe distance and I had Ian promise to stay out of trouble. I was present for all interviews and public appearances, attaching myself to Ian like a Siamese twin. If I thought he was going down the dangerous road of saying too much, I intervened by clearing my throat or in overt cases, physically dragging him away.

Before leaving for Toronto, I searched for a new place to live and Ian took it upon himself to help me. Ironically, we found a place close to his penthouse. He negotiated the price and had the landlord promise to make improvements. The man fell over himself to give Ian everything he demanded. Ian pointed out minor chips on a wall and made the landlord promise to paint the whole place. Every time he found something objectionable, he'd shake his head. Ian claimed the kitchen sink leaked and suggested the faucet be replaced. He went as far as to deem it necessary to add a third lock to the door. I was a young single woman living on my own, and I needed to be protected. The landlord agreed and Ian promised tickets to the next race in Italy.

My apartment was to be ready when I returned from North America and in the days leading up to Toronto I packed my belongings. I think Lilia was as happy as I was. As much as I resented not having some quiet and solitude, she resented my lifestyle change, especially since I wasn't sharing Ian with her. I'd overheard her complaining to friends that I hadn't brought him over. I don't know what she expected. He was my boss, not my boyfriend.

"My sister invited us to stay at her house," I said as Ian and I boarded our transatlantic flight a week later.

Ian wrinkled his nose. "I'm booked in a hotel."

"I thought you might say that."

"You don't mind, do you?"

"No, it's all right. I don't blame you."

I did mind. It meant that he was leaving me alone with my sister and the silence that hung between us. Laura's husband Greg would provide a diversion and the kids were always engaging, but they'd go to bed and Greg would watch the late news and retire himself. Then it would be Laura and me, both desperately trying to find something to say.

Of course she'd been surprised to hear from me when I told her I'd be in town with Ian. She quickly offered a place to stay, but I knew her motive; like a vampire, she would suck all the lifeblood out of Ian and leave his corpse to rot. She did this to Nick every time she saw him, but Nick had the uncanny ability to come back to life. Maybe he was a vampire too.

As for my brother, I nearly fainted when he called me. It had been months since I'd spoken to him. He casually asked me what I was up to and when I'd be in town next. The conversation was awkward and the niceties fake. Nick had already shot his mouth off to anyone who would listen that I worked for Ian. He suddenly had a younger sister to talk about, a sister to be proud of, at least when I wasn't around. Nick's wife Rosie had been the one to tell me about Nick's dramatic attitude change. She and I kept in contact, the only link I had to my brother.

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