Never know what you had till you lose it.

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'Where's Yona?'

'This is really starting to be a pain.' Ryuu thought, as she sprinted to King II's room. 'Don't tell me she went off to plead King II to let her marry Lord Soo-Won.'

That alone was okay, but there's no way Ryuu was letting the princess go there by herself.

Not with the darkness, the rain, and the unguarded corridors.

In no time, Ryuu managed to reach the room, in time to see the princess staring with widened eyes at King II's limp figure, and before Yona, stood non other than her beloved Soo-Won, holding a blood-stained katana.

"So this is where the commotion came from."

Seeing as both parties in the room did not notice her presence, she decided to stir things up a little. It was already troublesome, so why not make it more interesting?

"A servant, I remember your name was Ryuu. You were awake too, I see." Soo-Won said coldly as he eyed Ryuu.

Those eyes.

"S-Soo-won...hurry...father is..."

Yona wasn't crying. Her expression was of pure shock and disbelief. She knew King II was dead, she saw that Lord Soo-Won killed him, yet she wanted him to call for a doctor.

Ryuu merely stood aside, said nothing, looking at the two of them through the bored eyes of hers. This was getting annoying. Now, Ryuu really cared for the princess, but Yona cannot expect everything to go her way.

"King II will never open his eyes again." Soo-won spoke calmly. "I killed him."

'Obviously,' Ryuu thought. Was it just her, or was the conversation in front of her getting nowhere? We all know Soo-Won killed King II.

"W-what are you saying. You...would never do something like that."

Yona's voice was trembling. Ryuu cringed. She didn't like how her dragon blood reacted so strongly to her master's feelings.

"You don't know that I had lived for this day."

"Why? Father...always cared for you since you were a child."

"That's right, I loved King Il too. Even when people murmured that he was a coward who feared conflicts... I believed that was what made him so kind. But I was wrong. That was not the case." Soo-Won looked down.

"My father Yu-Hong, do you remember him? Ever since he was young, he was courageous and intelligent. He later grew into a warrior who always led our troops to victory. Everyone was hoping that he would be the next king. Instead, ten years ago, the late king, Junan, chose not my father, but uncle Il, as the king of Kouka."

Ryuu stared at Soo-Won. Though she may be around for centuries, she was new to the kingdom, joining as a servant only a couple of years ago. This story was definitely unheard of, at least to her. That was good though, at least it's a interesting enough story, although she wasn't really into history. And her head...she needed some distractions from the pain.

"No one understood his choice." Soo-Won continued."The elder son would normally succeed the throne, so why was the weaker, younger brother chosen instead? But my father just smiled and said, 'The throne is no big deal to me, I'll continue to fight on the front lines, and protect my brother and people.' I loved respected him for that. I hoped that one day I would be able to stand beside my father on the battlefield and offer my life to him. However, after king Il succeeded the throne, he killed his brother Yu-Hong."

Ryuu turned to look at Princess Yona, the former's emerald orb staring into purple ones. Ryuu was always looking, right? She stared at the princess's expression of disbelief with interest. This was the first time she had seen the princess make such a face, so she's going to enjoy it. Got to make the best out of the situation right?

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