Wesker Blade Has Rising

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Its is 9PM at night in there was this girl walking home in she felt like someone was falling her in she got her phone but it would not trun on then she truned around in sent this guy in the darj he walks out the dark in he said. ... hello my name is Jake in u look tasty and shes got really scared in started running  tell he came up to her grabed he in was about to bit her in the neck tell this guy came....

Blade: let her go  are else you will feel the feeling of my blade

Jake: well well well.. we final meet you the person ever one been talking about the famous Wesker blade

Blade: yep that me in ur about to go downif you dont let her go

Jake: come in get her

Then Jake throw her on the ground in run to Blade in hes told him in throw him but Blade landed on his feet in he took out hes selver and they started fighting back in back beating each pther up tell no one could not stand again Blade bush him on the ground in punch him and holds Jake in said hmm you belong to Frost I've been tracking him down for 10 years now and i need you give him a message for me tell him i said im coming for him and tell him im coming for everything i got in nun of his perople will stop him in before Jake can even leave Blade drove a Selver in hes chest and killed him and then Blade left in his Black Mustang. Then he made it back to hes place

NICK: you back soo quick

Blade:yep i found a track on Frost

Nick: that great we final got a lead on him and we can stop him for massing up everything

Blade: im going after him tomorrow night

Nick: you do it and you get the job done this time Wesker "Blade"

Blade:well do 

Then Wesker Blade walk up stairs takes his jacket off and sits on his bed with this venom the he put it in side him soo he cant be control and he want need blood from a human then he get up walks to the wind looks out there tell its time to get Frost in brind him down.

"To Be Continued...

Thanks everyone this is my new story i hope you guys and girls ejoy the story about a Vampire Wesker Blade who was born a Vampire and human and well see if he can Get to Frost in being him down soo staytooned more updates coming soon!!!!!

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