Chapter 1: The Delta Quadrant

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"James T. Kirk, captain of the starship Enterprise." It always started with those words. Whether a hostile or a peaceful encounter. Whether the meeting of a brand new species or one known for centuries, that was how it always started. It never changed until Kirk retired and then it was, "Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the USS Enterprise." And then, when a maniacal Romulan named Nero went through a black hole and created an alternate reality with a new Kirk, a new Spock, a new everything. Thus Kirk began his adventures once again from his youth. He defeated Nero and defeated his greatest enemy, Khan. But then came an alien race that they weren't supposed to meet till much later, the Borg.

In the year 2256 the Enterprise under Kirk's command entered the Delta Quadrant on a mission of exploration and returned after meeting the greatest threat the Federation would ever face, the Borg. This is the story of the Enterprise's crew and their first encounter with the Borg and how they survived.

"Captain, new orders from star fleet," said the communications Officer, Lt. Nyota Uhura, "We are to proceed to the newly discovered delta quadrant and start exploring." "Very well," responded Kirk, "Mr. Sulu set course for the delta quadrant, warp 6. Take her out." The Enterprise went to warp and began the two week journey to the delta quadrant.

After two weeks they entered the delta quadrant and began to explore and look for signs of life. After a few weeks they found their first M class planet. At first there appeared to be nothing wrong with it and no signs of life, but after a couple of hours of orbit, they found a city, a city that looked like it had been completely uprooted. There were thousands more cities in the same shape across the planet. It appeared as if all life had been uprooted and carried off. But when they beamed down to the surface, they found their first body. There were millions of bodies in every city. And then they found something else."Sulu to Enterprise, we found something, its definitely alien." Bring it aboard."

After a few hours Doctor Leonard McCoy summoned the senior staff to medical bay. "Bones have you found out what it is?" said Kirk. "Yeah"responded Bones, "It's human."

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