Chapter 3 - It Doesn't End Like This.

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I have my hasband and my son with me it was perfect but then, I lose my old and new memories, I'm lossing it, even what the doctor said, I can't remember any of it! Why am I like this I made Jongup worried way to much now sigh...

"Zelo-ah, the hyungs are here." Jongup said. I didn't  reply or talk I was at the window looking at the rain...sadly...

"Zelo-ah! How are you today?!" Himcahn hyung asked I think they didn't know what's happening to me, I just looked at them they started to hug me "We missed you both and also aaaww!! You have a son!" Younjae hyung suddenly grab Jongmin.

I was still smiling and tired but when I...can't remember the other hyung...I was looking at him in shocked even my hyungs, I can't remember.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked. I can't say the name "It-It's nothing." I replied. "You sure?" Daehyun said. "Yes, I'm fine no need to worry about it." I said then I continued looking at the view.

"Am, hyungs can you guys give us a minute and Jongmin-ah play with your uncles." I can hear Jongup said that. "Alright, call us if need something." Himchan hyung said. Then I can hear the door closed. "Zelo, are you starting to forgetting something?" Jonguppie asked.

"I can't remember the other hyung's name." I said. "Which one?" He asked again. "Our leader." I replied. "It's Bang Yongguk."

"Jonguppie I can't take this anymore, I'm tired now I can't handle this anymore." I said with tears. "You can't do anything Jonguppie, because I will always forget and losing my memories, and I can't have them back!" I shouted then I got crazy.

then suddenly I can feel some story arms from my sides Jongup was hugging me "Ssshhh, please stop crying everything will be alright I promise you." He said. How can you be so sure? Everything won't be alright, I'll never be alright, everything is getting worse and also I might leave this place if I don't remember you both. I thought.

then he wiped my tears away. Then he looks at my face then I looked at him back then he kisses my forehead "It doesn't end like this, do you want me to tell the hyungs?" He asked. ''Yes, yes please." I nodded then we hugged each other.

I don't want to go with him when he's going to tell the hyungs...

Jongup's P.O.V

I left the door where Zelo was inside then I saw the hyungs playing with Jongmin then I went near to them "Omo, appa is here, go with him." Yongguk hyung said, Jongmin needs to know also I carried Jongmin and went to the sofa.

I put Jongmin in my lap. "Where's Zelo?" Daehyun hyung asked. "Am, about that, Zelo has a problem." I said I saw the hyungs eyes. "What happened?" Himchan hyung asked. "Sigh...Zelo has...a...he's having a Alzemer's disease." I said.

then they were shocked-


"Why? What happened to him?" Daehyun asked.

"I don't know, Zelo started having it after marrying, after three days he started to forget, Zelo didn't know it first then he was scared, he went to the doctor told him that he's having that stupid disease, I don't what I do." I said. I was so worried.

"I feel so sorry for you and Zelo." Youngjae hyung apologized. "It's alright, Zelo is losing he's memories, and also Yongguk hyung, he suddenly forgot your name, he also forgot Jongmin's name  and everything." I said.

"Appa, omma is having a disease? Appa, are we going to lose omma?" Jongmin asked me. He was about to cry "No, Jongminnie, we won't lose mommy alrigth?" I said. Then he noddied. "I can't lose him too."  I whisppeared.

"Omo~ I hope Zelo won't forget he's own family." Himchan hyung said. "I-I just can't lose him guys." I started crying

 From Zelo...

Why can't I be alright? I'm forgetting them already I don't want this kind of disease I just want my life to be alright. Zelo thought he put's he's knees to he's chest and Zelo wrapped he's knees and started to cry.

and now he noticed that he can't remember he's own son..."No...NO!" Zelo shouted. The other members didn't hear him shouting Zelo stood up and rushed to the other members with the baby, Zelo looked at the baby looking at him.

"Omma!" Jongmin shouted. Zelo was shocked he can't remember him he's face, he's name I don't remember...Zelo thought.

"Zelo..." Jongup stood up he can see Zelo gave Jongup a shock face. "I can't remember.'' Zelo cried. He started to cry. Zelo kneed down and looked at Jongmin. "Omma, are you alright?" Jongmin asked. "I...I'm alright J..." He can't remember the name.

the members were looking at Zelo worried. Jongup went near to Zelo "No..." Zelo said. 

"NO!" Then Zelo started to yell. "No! I DON'T WANT THIS ANYMORE I'M SO TIRED! PLEASE, I WANT MY MEMORY BACK!'' Zelo shouted.

Jongup was hugging Zelo Jongmin started to cry the member were worried about them. 

After that the members already left and night...

Zelo was just sitting near at the window again. Jongup went near to him. "Zelo." Jongup called.

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