Chapter 8

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We heard whooping. I looked at Keithie, Braden, Rosalie, Andre, and Charlotte. The Frat boys. We looked up.

"I can't believe it. We hit the moron jackpot! Every one who needs a beating conveniently together on one lawn." said Matt.

"I remember him." said Keithie.

"Yeah..." said Charlotte.

"What's his problem?" asked Rosalie.

"Excuse me! Why are you here? What's the matter?" said Roxanne

"I'll tell what is the matter!" said Joey, mocking Roxanne's accent.

The Frat boys laughed. What the fuck?

"These old towines trashed our frat house and no one treats our headquarters with disrespect!" said Joey as they yelled.

Braden stepped forward and Rosalie looked at him.

"They didn't do it. Me do it." said Braden.

"Don't try and cover for then Z-Dog!" said Tony.

"Who's Z-Dog?" asked Lenny.

"We know they're trying to get back at us for making them do the naked plunge in our swimming hole." said Matt

"Your swimming hole? I've been swimming at the quary since I was 8 years old!" said Deanne

"Apparently everybody in this crap town has been swimming there since they were 8 years old! I guess nobody wants to leave this dump because they're too busy sucking!" said Matt

They started jeering. I rolled my eyes. Matt and Joey started their handshake.

"We'll finish later." said Matt.

"Do you promise?" asked Joey.

"I promise!" said Matt.

"Okay." said Joey

"Hey! Smart guy! Lenny Feder left this town. Moved to Hollywood. Made big bucks. Probably more money than all you brainacs put together ever will. But guess what? He came back here because this beautiful town is his home and always will be his home." said Dickie

He looked at Lenny and nodded his head. Lenny nodded.

"That was just a moving testament to this community, bro! But we didn't come here to hear any lame speeches. We came here to kick some old smelly ass!" said Joey.

They started cheering. Lenny exhaled

"Fellas! We may be old." said Lenny.

"We may be smelly." said Higgins.

"We may have a penis." said Deanne as she, Roxanne, and my mom pointed to Higgins 'girlfriend'.

"But the only ones getting their ass kicked around here are going to be you spoiled, privileged, uppity, preppy, d-bags." said my dad and I smiled.

"You hear that! Now let's get busy!!" shouted Kurt.

We started running and a girl went to punch me and I grabbed her fist. She pulled me wig off and I kicked her into the picnic table. She passed out. I saw someone going to punch Higgins.

"Braden!" I shouted.

He nodded and ran. He beat him up. Someone kicked my feet from under me as Rosalie ran up.

"Flip me, Rose!" I shouted

She nodded and flipped me. J wrapped my leg around the guy's head. I started punching him. He fell to the ground. I gave Rosalie a high five. We ran to help the others. Braden found us. Keithie kicked a guy with his cast. He saved his bully. He picked Keithie up. A girl ran up to me and I kicked her in the face. She hit the house.

"Where'd you learn how to fight like that?" asked Braden.

"I took classes at the gym." I said.

"Hey, Boomer! What's going on?" asked a frat boy.

"This!" said Greg as Rosalie pushed me.

Greg kicked him in the dick. I saw Nancy. She was faster. Oh, fuck no!

"You're a traitor, Boomer!" said the drunk girl.

She kicked him in the dick. He groaned and held himself. Nancy ran up.

"His name is not Boomer! It's Gary!" shouted Nancy as she kicked her in the vagina.

I grabbed her shoulder. I turned her towards me.

"It's Greg!" I yelled and kicked her in the vagina.

Nancy fell to the ground as she held herself. Rosalie cheered and jumped into Braden's arms. Greg looked up at me.

"What's your name?" asked Greg.

"Juliana...we met at the lake house." I said.

He stood up and pushed my hair out of my face. He gasped and pulled me to his lips. I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight.

"I knew you looked familiar! I'm so stupid! I'm sorry! I love you so much!" smiled Greg.

"I love you too, Greg!" I smiled

"Let's go!" said Andre as Braden, Rosalie, Donna, Keithie, and his new friend ran after him.

"I'm a stupid little monkey!" laughed Matt as he played with Becky's monkey.

I saw the deer from this morning. He ran towards Matt. His face totally changed. The deer pinned Matt to the ground.

"Good night!" said Becky.

"Go, Becky!" yelled Greg.

All the frat boys started running. Roxanne ran towards Lenny.

"Lenny! Baby! Are you all right?" said Roxanne.

"Leonard!" shouted Penny as she pushed Roxanne.

"Mom!" shouted Greg.

"I'm here for you, Leonard! I'm here for you!" said Penny as she rolled Lenny over.

"Who are you?" groaned Lenny.

"It's your Pretty Shiny Penny!" said Penny.

Roxanne kicked her in the face with her high heel.

"Oops! Sorry! I kicked your barrette!" said Roxanne.

We laughed. I looked at Greg and he hugged me.

"Come on, guys! Let's get out of these costumes and hang out at the swimming hole." smiled Greg

We ran inside. I got an extra change of clothes. I found my mom and dad.

"Hey!" I said as my dad picked up Bean.

"Yeah, sweetie?" asked my mom as she turned around.

She gasped as she saw Greg holding my hand.

"You finally remembered?" whispered my mom.

"Yeah." chuckled Greg as he pulled me close.

"Can we take the car so we can go to the swimming hole?" I asked.

"Take my car." smiled Lenny as he grabbed my hand and placed the keys to his car in my hand.

"Thanks, Lenny!" I smiled.

He hugged me and we ran to the car. Andre, Charlotte, Donna, and Keithie. It took Keithie a while to get his new friend to go home. I drove to the swimming hole.

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