Chapter Two.

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Bre exclaimed. Her high-pitched voice could have broken glass.

"Damn, calm down. Jesus," I said. Kellan had just left, and that had put me in a bad mood.

"Deets. Now. You're giving me a second degree heart attack," Bre demanded.

"I'm pretty sure heart attacks don't have degrees, babe . . . " I noted. The death glare she gave me quickly ruined the joke.

"Kaylynn Meadows, I swear if you don't tell me what you and Kellan were doing, I will not give you any more bud for the rest of the week!"

Okay, that was a bit too much. When she threatened to kick my ass, I didn't even bat an eye, because she was about as strong as a toddler. When she threatened to not let me throw anymore parties at her house, I wasn't worried. She was just as addicted to partying as I was. But when she threatened to take away my smokes, alcohol, or pot, I knew she was serious. She had an endless supply of all three, but she was still greedy. I was lucky to get a pack of Marlboros every day.

"Fine, you cunt. Kellan Sanders fucked the shit out of me in your mother's bedroom and it was the best sex of my life," I stated emotionlessly. I knew my tone would piss her off even more. I was enjoying myself.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. She let out a little squeal that really irritated me. I mean, I loved Bre, but she was so annoying sometimes. I was already itching for another party and I didn't feel like explaining my sex life to her.

"You whore, I thought I was doing good! I hooked up with Ben Whitman last night!" she yelled. This was the one bad thing about B -- she freaked out over everything. She normally got over things quickly though, so I let her episode continue until she lost steam.

"I can't believe . . . OMG! You and Kellan! I can't believe you had sex! In my mom's room! What the hell! He's so fucking hot! Dude, was he big?"

"Okay, that's enough!" I interrupted. "I'm the winner, can we leave it at that?"

She rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at me. "Wanna party tonight? Just like, twenty or thirty people?"

"Do you even have enough booze?" I asked. Last night's party was by far the biggest we'd ever thrown. No one would ever forget it. At midnight, B had drunkenly declared "I'm sixteen, bitches!" then fallen over into a sea of intoxicated people. No one had caught her, but she stumbled away in decent shape.

"Hell yeah. Jimmy brought me like eight bottles of vodka earlier," she said, lighting up a joint. She offered me a hit, and I smoked it greedily.

Jimmy Rodes was the supplier of all our illegal items. B paid him to buy us all we wanted -- and not always in money, either. I had even had my fair share of drunken sex with Jimmy so that we could keep getting our supplies. He wasn't totally disgusting, but he definitely wasn't attractive, either. But he got us what we needed, no questions asked, so we kept him around.

"Do we have any more beers?" I asked. She nodded, and I handed her the joint back as I got up to retrieve a good ol' Budweiser from the fridge.

"Okay," I began, plopping down on the couch, "Let's plan tonight's party. Definitely not inviting those boys from the private school again, they were dumbasses." One of them had taken a full, completely unopened bottle of whiskey and smashed it on the sidewalk, then tried licking the alcohol off the pavement. Then he passed out on the spot, and got walked all over by girls in stillettos.

B laughed. "Deff inviting Ben. God, greatest sex ever,Kay. And then the partiers of course."

Bre and I referred to a group of about ten people as "The Partiers." They were basically junkies that would supply even more booze and Mary Jane, and they made up the main party that occupied the dance floor the entire time. They were loud, and they made the party.

"I made out with like five guys last night, but all I remember is Mason Centers," I remarked. Rubbing it in just a little bit. Ben was still a hell of a lot better than Mason, but I had hooked up with Mason AND Kellan. I was fabulous.

"Are you shitting me?!" B screeched. She went off on one of her little rants again until she calmed down enough to fist bump me.

"You are one lucky bitch," she praised me. As we figured out the guest list, texting people frantically, we went through an entire pack of cigs. 

Tonight should prove to be eventful, I thought. Because I was going to outdo B for the final time. I was going to get with Ben.

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