Chapter 3

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Meeting his Grandma

It was 12:09 pm as I check my watch again for the eight times; I was seated in a comfortable chair with a table, waiting in the lobby like Peter had told me yesterday. It's not that they were that late or anything but I couldn't help but felt stood up. Of course I guess it wouldn't really matter since I got the money already without doing anything but I was still nervous that they were late.

Kyle had told me the dress good today, so I had on a white blazer where the sleeves at the end of my elbows were black and I had a laced yellow camisole shirt under. I wore black pants, this time hugging my legs and a black watch on my left arm. Since Kyle didn't like my hair yesterday, I decided to curl my hair. Normally my hair would go all the way down to my waist where my rib was, but since I curled them they stopped a little below where my shoulders were. The curls were brown, big, bouncy, and smooth at the bottom of my hair. I put on some light makeup and wore small, silver, ribbon-shape earrings, other than that I had on black flats. It was now 12:23 and by now I was getting super irritated.

"Where the hell is she?! She was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago!!!" yelled a familiar voice.

"Calm down, Kyle. She'll be here, "said the other voice

I glanced over my right shoulders and there was Kyle and Peter a couple of tables behind me. I got up and walk towards them, I had to clear my throat to get their attention. I saw that both their expressions changed. Peter's from a little irritated, probably, to amazed, while Kyle, who was obviously scowling to a very stunned expression.

I couldn't help but giggled a bit and tilt my head to one side making my hair all fall on that side. "Do I get to sit?"

It took Peter a second to find his voice, "Uh yeah-yeah sit here." He stared at me intensely making me feel a bit nervous; I didn't even dare to look at Kyle.

"Wow Ally, you look really pretty today. I couldn't even recognize you."

I smiled at Peter shyly and quietly saying "Thank you."

Of course everything had to end quickly because after I said thank you to Peter, Kyle just had to scoff so loud that even some people in the lobby turn their heads our way. I scowled at Kyle as I looked at him.

"You're late," the handsome jerk sternly stated crossing his arms at his chest, flexing a bit.

Oh heck no! I was here at 11:30! I wanted to snap but instead I calmly replied, "I was here earlier, we probably just missed each other."

He opened his mouth to say something but quickly snapped it shut. That's right, it wasn't my fault you couldn't tell it was me back there and since I wasn't late you can't complain. I smiled in triumph then turn to Peter for more information about the job.

"So this is how it's going to be, like how we told you yesterday, you're number job is to win the heart of Kyle's grandma. She's seventy-two and she's very soft-hearted. Once you got his grandma on your side, you just need to make sure Kyle's future fiancée doesn't get to be his fiancée. After his fiancée finally leaves him, you would have finished the job," Peter explained.

"But what if she never gives up on him, what happens then?" I asked.

Kyle rolled his eyes, "Then, obviously you didn't do your job right."

I gave him a dirty look before turning back to Peter.

"This contract wills only last six months. If you fail to convince Kyle's grandma that you two are in love and chase away his future fiancée within six months then you will not receive pay. The only thing you do get is the forty thousand we gave you yesterday for your time and effort. That means you won't get paid until the end of the job. However if you choose to leave because it gets too hard and tried to cancel the contract you have to give back all the money we gave you. If you already spent the money then you'll be in debt legally and be charged every month with interest. "

I nodded.

"If you think about it Ally, it's only six month, fairly enough time to get rid of Kyle's fiancée."

I nodded again, "Yes. I understand. "

Peter smile, "Good. Here's the contract, all we need left is your signature."

I stared at the paper and my heart started to beat rapidly. Was I really going to do this? Is this the only way for me to get back on my feet? I closed my eyes and quickly wrote down my signature, my real one.

"Okay it's time to go," Kyle said as he got up and waited for me to follow him.

I stood up as I gave him a sour face, smiled at Peter and said our goodbyes. Kyle didn't even wait for me as he stalked up the lobby to the front doors.

"Wait!" I shouted as I ran to catch up to him. Seriously this ass needs to know that my short legs can't carry me as fast as his long legs. He stopped once we got out of his company and was in front of the doors. He glanced at his right to look at me as I stopped and stare at him too, looking up at his eyes. "What?"

He shook his head ignoring my question, "Come on."

I pouted, obviously annoyed and followed him, "Where are we going?"

"To meet my grandma."

"And we're walking there?"

He gave me an amused look and I must say that was his best look yet since he was always frowning, he then clicked a button in his hand and a car beeped. Oh.

His car was nice I guess, but I didn't really know much about cars so it was whatever. I went to the passenger side and got in. Once I got in the car he drove off towards the streets. The silence in the car was awkward as we just sat there. "So...You're fiancée must not be pretty enough for you to marry her."

"Don't know. I never met her," he answered impassive.

I snapped my head staring at him surprised. "So you're parents are making you marry someone you never met before?" Huh, just like my parents.

He didn't answer but I already went to my next question, "So where are your parents? Am I meeting them too?"

Kyle shook his head, "No. They're actual out of town right now. They're going to pick her up."


He rolled his eyes at me, "The woman I betrothed with, stupid!"

I frowned and made that tsk noise, "You didn't have to call me stupid. You could have just said it nicely. Owe me another five buck," I mumbled the last part quietly to myself.

I wasn't sure if he heard the last part but he inhaled a deep breath and we stay quiet for the rest of the car ride. I didn't want to talk to him anyways.

When we reached his grandma's mansion I was stunned. It was beautiful; there was flowers everywhere and beautiful fountain in the middle. The front you could see lots of windows meaning lots of rooms. The mansion was painted white which was nice. I couldn't help but be awestruck.

The inside was even better. Kyle pulled me, "Stop being so distracted. Come on."

When we entered the house a woman around her late-twenties came down running to greet us, well actually Kyle. "Mr. Kyle, your back! You're grandma is waiting for ..." She stopped as she saw me behind Kyle. I guess he was too fat and was blocking me. But how tragically sad that instead of Kyle of being overweight his was actually super toned. He was just too big and was blocking my rather small structure. I smiled sweetly at the woman as she blushed. "You're grandma is waiting for you," she finished and ran off. Okay? That was weird.

Sensing what I was probably thinking Kyle chuckled and shook his head, "That's Gwen; she's just shy around new people."

But instead of really understanding what Kyle was saying I had to do a double take that his was indeed smiling. Scratch what I said earlier about him looking better amused. His smiling face was most definitely something to die for.

I turned around and looked at the floors covering half of my face, the side facing him as I started to feel heat coming up to my cheeks. I forgot that Kyle's features were something I wasn't immune to yet and shouldn't get carried away by being comfortable to him. Otherwise he'll discover that I was indeed attractive to his looks and that would just boost his already enlarged ego. "Come on lets go."

Kyle blinked at my sudden change of attitude but ignored it and walked up the stairs as I followed. We enter a room and there was the seventy-two woman. Her face was inscrutable and it scared me a bit. "Come in," She said, "I was waiting for you."

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