The strange things that happen in the woods.

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The sky it was as black as tar and the grounds shook and rumbled as the sound of loud cracking thunder shot through the sky.  The little girl was all alone, she could hear the beating of her heart and every breath she made was as loud as a crashing wave. The officer That lead her there had  disappeared, completely  vanished into thin air. He said that he would take her to her mom she had been alone for so long so she was happy to have finially heard some news about her missing mother . But now her faith was decreasing every minute. She stood in silence frozen with fear in the bushes were blood stained red eyes staring right at her.

The red eyes hopped from bush to bush but never broke away from her eyes. The red eyes came closer and the   figure of a human came out  with it. As  she looked closer she saw that it was the officer that brought her there. When he spoke it sounded like a finger nail being run down a chalk board.  "Don't scream no one will hear you, no one will save you. Because no one want's you." He said with a cold dead smile on his face. She new it was true, so she didn't scream, she just let her tears fall.  

Then the Officer changed! He wasn't a man anymore, he turned bigger and his teeth grew sharper, his ears almost looked like bat's, for sure this man was not human. What was he? 

Rustle...... The creature looked to his left. There stood a boy looking to be the age of 12.   He had red hair in the front and black hair in the back, it was sort of spiked. He was very masculine, he had a tattoo that looked like a spike y whip on his arm. He carried a base ball bat and had  black eyes that reminded her of the sky at night. 

The boy looked at the creature and smirked! It was strange he wasn't afraid, not even a little bit. He went right up to the beast and smacked it with his red fiery baseball bat. The creature looked terrified. I don't know why but he did. It looked as if he had just come across a ghost. 

The monster ran and the boy's tattoo came to life, the spike y whip came off his arm into his hands, it wrapped around the creature's foot. The creature was caught. 

More boys came out of the bushes, they were all masculine. One had black hair and the other had gray hair. Those two looked like twins. Then there were two more boys, one had blond hair and blue highlights, the other had brown hair that spiked to the side. They all had tattoos just like the first boy. knives, swords, guns, and a sledge hammer all shot off their skin into their hands. 

It was amazing she first saw the one with black hair he had knives like tattoos on his neck they came off and he started to get ready to throw them. It happened to the others too the sledge hammer the guns the knives there tattoos started coming off. 

 The one with red hair  had stop the creator so there was really no work left for the other boys. 

No fair! Yeah you always get to have fun. Save some for us next time. OK OK its not my fault you guys are so slow. 

Hey does anyone else see the girl over there or is it just me?

She just stood there, she looked scared but then a huge smile appeared on her face she looked happy. She started looking at our tattoos.

 I didn't know that such amazing  people existed. I felt safe for the first time in a long time. One of them took me bye the hand and had  me  follow him. He had brown hair and his eyed sparkled. He took me to a gas station.

My name is Mist he said and no need to hide we know that you are not human. boooom crash it came from the woods again. The boy started to run back to the woods. Wait I called out to him my name is Ray. The boy looked one last time smiled and winked at me then said I wont forget it :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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