O9. birthday party

Start from the beginning

the first classes were fun only consisting of playing and reading stories from the magic bookshelf.

when lunch break came around  tobias stood behind tris and covered her eyes, making her jump in surprise, "surprise date"

he explained.

"oh! otay" tris said clapping her hands and walking towards the direction tobias was leading her to.

"here we are" Tobias said when they reached the doll house. their own special place.

"sit pwincess" he told her and she nodded, obeying his orders. tobias took a seat in front of her and took the little girl by surprise when he took out a real cupcake out of the fake microwave.

he placed a little fake candle marcus ha gotten him on the cupcake and turned it on by flipping the switch. it was the one that died down if you blew hard enough.

Tobias then began clapping his hands and singing happy birthday as the little girl giggled and blushed.

when he reached the number four she blew the candle with his help and the two of them clapped. Tobias then took two little plastic plates and broke the cupcake in two so they could share.

"you wike date pwincess? I planned just for you" Tobias said his cheeks turning pink. she nodded and kissed his cheek.

"yeah, date with boyfwiend is perfect" she murmured shyly. for the rest of their lunch break the two of them talked about the new cartoon that had come out and giggled over a bunch of ridiculous things.


the day had just gotten better and better after school was out. tris's parents decided to go to the beach and invited some of her friends to have a small birthday party by the ocean.

the girl could not hide her excitement as her parents drove them south, where the smallest beach in the city was.

the larger beaches meant the place would be crowded and that's not what they wanted.

they settled down and the kids immediately ran towards the water, the adults yelling and chasing them.

the eight of them began splashing and swimming around with their floaties, their parents keeping an eye on the little ones.

they spent most of the day in the clear blue water, only stepping out when they needed to apply sunscreen.

when it started getting dark the adults ushered the kids out and took them to the showers. when all of them were changed back into their clothes and fresh clean the families decided to head to the carnival.

It was only about three minutes away and well, kids loved carnivals so why not wear their energy out before going home.

"wanna go on big wides" uriah said pointing to the roller coasters that seemed big and extreme to them but they were really not that big of a deal. they quickly paid and attached the bracelets to their wrists before stepping inside.

"mommy I walk with tobwias" tris said from where she sat in her momma's warm embrace. Natalie nodded and placed her daughter down, kissing her temple.

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