question 6

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Author: hey everyone I'm here again with yet another question here to answer is me and everyone else right guys?

Scott: yeah

Mike: here

Jeremy: P-Preasent

Vincent: I'm here Love~

Fritz: yep

Author: ok then guys let's get started the question is from _Faith_Schmidt_ she asks if all of us thinks she is cool so guys what are your answeres I already know my answer is a no... because she's not cool... she is FANTASTIC she has been one of my longest subscribbers here and always asks questions and do darez and is just a really great and amazing person without her asking and daring things well I might not have even actually gotta this far in this book so I thank you _Faith_Schmidt_ for everything

Mike: I feel the same

Jeremy: as do I

Scott: yeah

Vincent: yep

Fritz: yes

Author: ok then there you have it _Faith_Schmidt_ we all think your fantastic and that answeres your question right? Maybe and thanks again anymore questions or dares pit them down in the comments below and I'll do them enjoy :) and were out

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