Mom handed me a coffee and three pieces of toast. She has someone figure out exactly how much I should eat and what and she sticks to it. The interview was a radio one and they are much easier than TV ones as you don't have to pretend to be really happy.

I got asked all the usual questions about when I was going to be releasing another song and album, about my tour and if I had a boyfriend. My Mom would kill me if I had a boyfriend; apparently it is too much of a distraction.

I had to go spend five hours in the studio. The record company wants another album out soon. I released a new song a few weeks ago that is really popular so they don't want to release another until that dies down. I still had another three weeks on tour though.

I had a final interview of the day and it was yet another radio one. I was getting interviewed by a woman called Tanya. She started off with the usual boring questions.

"So, rumour has it that you are thinking of leaving the music business," she said.

"I don't know where you have heard that but it isn't true. I am going to releasing another song soon and the album comes soon as well," I said laughing the comment off.

I saw my Mom scowl from outside the room. She thought that I must spread bad rumour about myself. I didn't get asked anything else that she wouldn't be happy with.

"I'm having that afternoon to myself," I said to her as I headed out.

"No, you have dinner booked with me and the record company," she ordered.

"You can go but I'm not," I said and stormed out.

My driver's name is Alex and I love him. He hates my mother and he always does what I want. My Mom won't dare fire him though because I would quit and she knows that.

"Can you take me to Ana's?" I asked and he obliged.

Ana lived with her loving boyfriend. They have been going out since high school, so about six years. His name is Clark and he is really sweet. Ana told me yesterday that he was going out with friends tonight so she invited me around.

It only took ten minutes and she was waiting for me when I got there. She invited me in and was already organised for my visit. The TV was on and the junk food was sitting on the table. I laughed before sitting down.

"Where are you meant to be at the moment?" she asked.

"I think Mom said that I was meant to be a dinner with her and the record company but I wasn't really listening," I admitted.

There was a really good reason why my phone is currently on mute so that it wouldn't ring or vibrate. She has probably already called me 20 times.

"Do you mind if I take a shower first?" I asked and she nodded.

I had a drawer in the spare room of clothes that I could change into when I was here so that I didn't have to wear what my Mom picked out for me to wear. The warm water helped me feel better and I changed into shorts and a comfortable shirt.

She already had the movie started. She had decided on some Disney movie that I didn't recognise but I didn't question it. We were always watching Disney movies. By the end I had eaten more food than I had eaten all day.

Ana had fallen asleep during the second movie and being the nice friend that I am I lifted her upstairs and placed her in her bed. Since it was only midnight I got Alex to come pick me up and take me to the hotel that we are staying at.

Mom was furious at me the next day. She was going on and on about how I was going to ruin the tour. I still have 15 more concerts and it is only a United States tour. I have practice for three hours but luckily Mom has to go yell at somebody else so it is someone else running the practice.

It was a relatively relaxed practice. There were a few songs that I wanted to practice but other than that we just did a rough run through of each song even though after 22 performances everyone knows the choreography. The hardest one is my latest song and the last song we perform called Shadows.

It involves us all on chairs and when we were first learning it all of us fell of the chair at least twice, which includes the professional dancers. We managed to go through it three times without anyone falling off.

Katie was waiting for me so that she could sweep me into the makeup department. Apparently I have some lunch with some important person today and I can't skip it like I did last night. She had picked out a green dress. It was strapless sort of mint green colour. The skirt was very ruffled with silver bands around the chest. Overall I thought it was a very pretty dress though.

Turns out of the lunch was with some owner of the company I am with. I wasn't really listening to any of the conversation because it was just him and Mom organising different promotions and times about different things. I almost fell asleep and it probably good I didn't because Mom would have yelled at me.

She did anyway though but in the car on the way home. She told me that I needed to be interested in what is happening because this is my career. I just rolled my eyes and turned away. I didn't even want to be part of the show biz industry. This is the life I don't want.


Welcome to my new story. I know this chapter is a bit boring but it had to be done. Hopefully there should be an image to the side of the different clothes mentioned. From left to right it is her performance costume, clothes she wore to the interviews and then the final dress for the lunch. Hope you enjoyed it.

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The Wise One

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