We heard Kurt yelling. Bumpty's dad was dressed up like Prince. Kurt is Prince. We have the same problem.

"So, you decided to come as a black muppet?" said Kurt.

"Whaaaat?" said Bumpty's mom.

I laughed. Braden and Rosalie were laughing, too. Becky was started to get tired. Lenny took her to bed. I saw Bean messing with a piano as my dad tried to tell him to go to bed. Bean started playing the piano. I gasped. Rosalie and Braden were amazed.

"When did you learn how to do that?" asked my dad as we walked towards the piano.

"I saw it in one of my dreams." said Bean as he picked up the pace on the piano.

"You're a genius? My boy's a genius! So, are my girls!" smiled my dad.

His face changed like he was about to sneeze. He sneezed, burped, and farted.

"Your dad's also a genius!" He said as we took off.

I coughed as we walked over to Donna and Keithie.

"Look who was in the neighborhood! Lenny's friends from the old J. Geils band! " shouted my dad.

They started playing music and we started clapping.

"Greg still isn't here?" I asked.

"No." said Keithie.

"But Nancy's here." said Rosalie.

"Then he must be inside." said Keithie.

"There he is!" said Donna as she pointed.

I turned around. He was in a button down shirt, no pants, socks, and sunglasses. He started smiling in another direction. I looked. He was smiling at Nancy. Greg tripped. The music cut off. We heard singing. It was Charlotte. We gasped. She stopped as soon as she realized it was silent. We cheered.

"Charlotte!!!!" said Andre as he ran over to us.

"Whoo!" said Braden as he picked up Rosalie.

She giggled.

"Charlotte! That was amazing! Where'd you learn to sing like that?" asked Kurt.

"No place. I just sing a little in the shower." said Charlotte.

"Maybe you should stick to the shower. Because I gots the power. I'm on Today show. It's about Lauer." said Bumpty.

"Bumpty! Do me a favor and shut your mouth before I slap that mohawk into a chin strap." said Deanne.

"Whaaaat?" They said.

We laughed. I looked around for Greg and he was gone.

"You and me are fighting right now! Let's go!" said Lenny.

Everyone started surrounding Lenny and his old bully, Tommy Cavanaugh We helped Keithie up. Andre, Keithie, Charlotte, Donna, Braden, and Rosalie followed me through the crowd.

"Hold my hair woman!" said Cavanaugh as he threw is wig at his girlfriend.

"Lenny! What's going on? I'm calling the police!" yelled Roxanne.

"We're already here." said Lenny's cop friend.

We looked at Lenny and Cavanaugh.

"You ready for this?" asked Cavanaugh

"Cavanaugh...I'm only going to do this because I'm going to show my son's what's right." said Lenny.

Lenny looked at Keithie. He gasped and looked up at me. I patted his back. They kept talking but we couldn't hear them.

"Sucker punch him, Feder!" said the cop friend.

"Lick his bicep! Lick it! Bite it! Lick the tan off." said Higgins as Braden chuckled.

"Wow, dad." whispered Braden.

"Let's get busy, Hollywood!" said Cavanaugh.

The crowd began to murmur. Lenny went to punch him.

"No! Don't hit me, please!" said Cavanaugh.

"What?" I whispered.

"I'm sorry! Please, don't hit me. You would tear me limb from limb. Open your fist. The only reason I picked on you was because I was afraid of you." said Cavanaugh.

I looked at Keithie then at Rosalie and Braden. Andre looked at me then Donna and Charlotte.

"Please...don't hit me..." cried Cavanaugh.

"Cavanaugh's crying!" said the cop friend.

Keithie was smiling now. His dad was standing up for himself.

"You mean you don't want me to hit you with this! Or the elbow! Finger in the eye!" said Lenny as he made Cavanaugh jump each time.

"Wow." said Kurt.

"Listen to this guy." said Higgins

"Get up. Straighten up. I'm not going to hit you but if you ever disrespect me or anybody I'll hunt you down and I'll slap you into a pile of tattoos, bad breath, back zits." said Lenny.

Cavanaugh looked at Lenny the away from him.

"Do you understand me?" asked Lenny.

"Yes...I understand you." said Cavanaugh.

"Do you understand me?" yelled Lenny.

"Yes, I understand you!" yelled Cavanaugh.

"Then walk away before I change my mind." said Lenny.

The crowd cheered and chanted Lenny's name.

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