Calah Who?

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Calah who loves kit kats
And can eat a milky way or two
who is mentally artistic
but can be the definition of insanity
Whose soul is more lost than mine
yet always manages to get it back in time
Is always getting offended at the harmless...jokes I make
my jokes she can handle, but I know there are things that she cannot take
She doesn't appreciate bringing up the past because it reminds her of when she was weak.
But I feel more because you sought out for the best interest of me
It makes me feel bad when you fell down, I didn't have a bandage
To cover you from reality changing you from what I used to see
Calah whose name isn't really calah, but fits her persona like suspenders
It's just a name, that describes her pain through happiness
And it works because idiots manage to love into her presentation
But finding out what's behind the act, it's like a game
Super Mario Bros and Legend of Zelda didn't manage to tame
The final boss that's the master of disguise
It's where it keeps me and my family members inside
because we understand why and how she's here
But what's in her HEART, I can't find an explanation for it
But if that's your goal in life, I suggest you forfeit.
Although there's this girl named Indya that is deeper within Calah's SOUL
Some know just one, but both are my sisters.

-Eden Adonai

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