BaekYeon and JongYeon

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Super Junior and Shinee:Annyeong~~

Red Velvet:Happines!!

Taeyeon:Aigoo dongsaengs your so cute!

Red Velvet:Hihihi,Thanks unnie

Leeteuk:Yah!Were your sunbaes!

Taeyeon:Oh mianhe oppa

Leeteuk:Taeyeon-ssi,Who is the most handsome among of us?

Taeyeon:Ey~~Oppa,of course it's Baekhyun and Jonghyun

Baekhyun and Jonghyun:Thank  You Noona.I Love You *Look at each other*

Taeyeon:H-huh?what are you two saying?

Baekhyun and Jonghyun:I Love You Noona!*Look at each other again*

Tiffany,Jessica and Heechul:Yah!Taeyeon is ours

Taeyeon:You two go to my room later.*ignore what Tiffany,Jessica and Heechul said*

Baekhyun and Jonghyun:Arraseo noona.

Leeteuk:So Jessica-ssi,Who is the most handsome among us?

Jessica:Kris,Key and Donghae

Kris,Key and Donghae:Thanks noona/dongsaeng

Taeyeon:Let's just continue this tomorrow okay.Bye~


EXO,SNSD,SHINEE,RED VELVET AND SUPER JUNIOR CHATROOMWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu