"Mom would let me!" Shay tried to reason with her father.

"Shaley... I said no." Her father stopped at a stop light as shay began to cry.

"I'm the only junior without a car. I have my license. Dad, please." She begged.

"No." He turned his signal light on, as the light flashed green, signaling for his lands to go. When he pulled out a truck didn't stop.

"Daddy! Watch out!" Shay screamed. The truck smashed on his side, as another car ended up smashing in on Shay's side. The car flipped and flipped. Shay held her dad's hand for dear life,

It was two minutes of flipping, just flipping, until the car stopped on it's roof.

Shay blinked as her vision became blurry.

Her seat belt had cut into her neck, her arm was stuck in between the console and the side of her seat, her head had banged against the dash right when the air bag came out an busted her nose.

She glanced over at her dad to see his head laying on the deflated air bag. Blood coming from his ears and nose. She started sobbing as she cried out, 'Daddy, in so sorry.'

She could faintly hear sirens as soon she blacked-out.


Shay jumped up from the bed, dripping sweat. Dried tears were in her face as she felt disgusted with her self.

"I need a shower." She mumbled as she fumbled into her own personal bathroom.

It has been about ten months since the accident, and Shay has the same nightmare every night. She hasn't had a good sleep in so long.

She stripped her clothes and stepped into running shower. The water was cold, but she didn't mind. That's how she liked it. It numbed her body.

Soon after she showered, she dressed in freshly new clothes and changed her bed sheets.

But it doesn't matter. If she were to fall asleep, she'd still relive that nightmare, and wake up in sweat once again.

Lying down on the bed, she sighed as she pulled the covers over top of her.

And soon she was back dreaming. But not of fluffy clouds, and rainbows; Nope, instead, she dreams of her fathers death.


Waking up to the sun in your face, isn't such a pleasant thin to see when you first open your eyes, but shay would rather have that than having three people jumpe atop of her.

But in a way she was thankful. She hated sleeping, due to the fact that she had to see her father in eery one of them. It would be fine if the dream was of some nice an fun memory, that she had if her father. But, unfortunately for her, it was of the day her father died.

September 30th, 2012. Her father died, exactly ten months ago. Today is July 30th, 2013.

"Wake up!" Three voices chanted. Shay sat up, as her eyes widened.

"Shane!" Shah screamed at her older brother as he tackled her into a hug.

Shane Ross. The nineteen year old college boy.

"Hey Shaley. Miss me?"

"Of course. It's been three months. I'm so glad that mom decided to move closer to you, if anywhere." Shaley said, utterly happy. If she had to move anywhere against her own will it would be somewhere closer to her older brother. They were the best of friends.

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