Kaylee "What are we?"

Jon ignoring Kayla

Kaylee "I want to know if we're together or not, that way I can move on."

Jon "You would like that wouldn't you? I heard Colby is single again."

Kaylee "You're not so innocent yourself. At least what happened between me and Nick was before you and I started dating. Looks like you did cheat on me."

Jon "I've never cheated on you."

Kaylee "Then what happened?"

Jon getting up "You really want to know?"

Kaylee trying her best to stay calm "Yeah I do."

Jon "Are you sure?"

Kaylee starting to wonder if she did in fact wanted to know "Yes!"

Jon got close to Kaylee's face "Renee stopped by my room, I told her to leave but Renee being Renee didnt leave. She begged me to take her back and she kissed me but I didnt kiss her back."

Kaylee "Why didnt you tell me if nothing happened."

Jon "Because I didnt think it was a big deal. What's your excuse?"

Kaylee stayed quiet.

Jon "That's what I thought."

He grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door "And as for what we are, I dont know yet."

As soon as Jon left the room Kaylee called Joe and cried to him.

That night Jon slept on the floor. Both didnt get much sleep.



After Jon was done at wizard con he went straight to his room. Kaylee was down at the business center working on some stuff. Joe called Jon

Joe "You need to stop being an asshole to her."

Jon "Joe, she slept with someone. This whole time I thought she was a virgin. She lied to me. How am I suppose to trust her ever again?"

Joe "It's not easy for her Jon. Trust me she feels like shit."

Jon "She should!"

Joe "Don't say that bro. She had a life growing in her. Imagine how alone she felt, its not like she had her family her to help her."

Jon "She could have told me or you."

Joe "Maybe, but that wasn't for us to decide. She feels ashamed, she's suffered enough. What you're doing to her is torture."

Jon "I dont care."

Joe "You should, this girl is going to be your wife."

Jon "I dont know about that anymore."

Joe "Don't be a moron Jon. You know you still want to marry her. Do you remember what Pam said?"

Jon "Pam is a joke. She's another person that can't be trusted."

Joe "Doesnt mean that she didnt give you good advice. Don't be the man you think she wants, be the man she needs. She needs you Jon right now. I hate to tell you this brother, but you were a pain in the ass. You werent the easiest person to love, yet she did. She was always the girl you needed. Yes she made a mistake but she didnt intentionally hurt you."

Jon didnt respond because he knew Joe was right.

Joe "I'm taking that silence as you agreeing with me. Hear her out and be there for her. You dont want to let this one go bro."

Jon "I'll see you tomorrow.


Kaylee walked into the room expecting to have another argument with Jon but to her surprise he hugged her. At first she didnt know what to do, she didnt understand why he was hugging her because he was so mad at her. It took a few seconds for Kaylee to hug him back. He squeezed her tight and whispered in her ear "I love you." Kaylee hugged him tight and began to cry

Kaylee "I'm so sorry Jon, I'm so sorry."

Jon continuing to hold her "I know you are."

Even though Jon didnt want to hear all the details, he sat there with Kaylee in his arms as she told him everything that happened.

That night they slept on the same bed

Jon looking at Kaylee "I know that wasn't easy for you to talk about. I'm sorry for everything that happened to you but know its going to take some time on my end."

Kaylee "I know. Thank you for trying. I hope you can forgive me."

Jon "I do. You're not getting away from me that easily."

Kaylee smiled.

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