Chapter 1: Average Mornings

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I sit up from my bed, my black sheets are covered in lint, blankets and cat hair. My loose shirt is strangling my left boob as I get up, and stretch. I groan as I feel my muscles loosen and tighten. I'm still half asleep, so I'm not sure what I'm exactly doing. I walk slowly to find my lamp in the artificial darkness of my room. There's a ( favorite band ) flag covering my window, small slivers of pale light come in from the sides of the window that isn't covered.

I put my thumb and fore finger on the small black knob of the lamp and twist it. The sudden light hurts my eyes and I immediately feel the heat radiating from the light bulb. I take a brief look around my room. My cat is asleep on the floor near a pile of dirty or clean clothes. He's mewling quietly to the bright light. My walls consists of pale stains from the previous owners, unicorn/alien stickers and various posters of my favorite bands, such as Lamb of God, Slayer, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd.

I walk toward the door and open it slightly, only to be hit in the face with the smell of marijuana and day old sex. Those two smells DO NOT mix. I furrow my brow in disgust and run back into my room, grabbing a Febreeze can and spraying the air as I walk slow into the darkness of the apartment. I can sense that our gross red couch is near the 2 other disgusting ketchup colored chairs, along with our television and coffee table is on the other side, while our counter to the kitchen is on the other. I press my hand against the wall to feel various photo frames until I find the light switch and flick it on. I hear a groan from a male and female near the couch, its my roommate and her weekly boytoy. She's only 19, But she's already been enough with more people than in a music festival with unlimited marijuana edibles.

"Y/N? Bitch, turn that light off," she groaned, moving her hand on this guys hairy chest. Bitch is her favorite thing to call me. I'm used to it.

"Get up, Charrisa! I gotta cook, if you wanna eat good this morning. And why do you and your guys always bang on those couches? You have your own room! And the couches are all fuckin' crusty now." I snapped as I turn the kitchen light on.

"Its like 8, you should be in bed. That reminds me." She said tiredly, slapping the guy on his chest. The boytoy groaned as he got up. He fell off the couch and grabbed his pants. He was covered in what looked like whipped cream.

He looked up and down at my body, which was mostly my (light/dark) bed head hair, (small/tall) (dark/light) legs, and a long black muscle shirt. He licked his lips and clicked his tongue at me. "You wanna have a fun time later, baby?" He said as he pulled the elastic on his boxers.

I threw an old cinnamon bun at his crotch. And when I mean old, I mean at least 3 months. So this think is as literally as hard as a rock.

"Haha, that's what you get!" My roommate laughed as the boytoy groaned in pain and held his precious 2-inch. He limped to the door, cursed at me, and left. My roommate got up and gave me a highfive. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Chris is going to the Chincilla Music Fesitival tonight, and I want you to come with me, just in case he tries anythin' funny."

"No, I'm not going. The last time I went I had some ancient white guy hit on me and even followed us home."

"Come on, bitch! Its been literally 5 months since that happened. Just come with me this once! I'll pay for all the drinks you have at the barrr." She sang. I tsked at her offer, and thought. Charrisa can get laid with tons of guys while I get to get drunk for free? I don't even drink often, but hell yeah. I'll go.

"Okay, okay. I'll go. But I'm not driving home, FYI." Charrisa grinned and hugged me, picking me up and spinning.

"Bless you, bitch!" She yelled excitedly. She just seems excited to have like a 10-some tonight. She puts me down and runs to her room to call Chris and tell him.

Damn, I better start cooking and cancel my night workout, because I get to reward myself tonight. Goodbye, running at night while old guys trying to cop a feel! Hello, free drinks all around!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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