The First Day of 6th Grade

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General Info
So, the first day of middle school (6th grade) can be hectic. New campus, new classmates, and new teachers. On the first day (or before then) you will receive a schedule. ALWAYS have this with you. If you don't know where to go next, you will need this. It's also a good idea to have a map of the campus. Your school office will most likely have some of these, but if not, you might be able to find one online.

Making Friends
Your friends from last year may not have classes with you. In movies and TV shows, you'll see friends coincidentally get lockers/seats next to each other. This usually doesn't happen in reality, so you'll have to get new friends. Here are a few tips on getting friends.
1) Talk to the people around you. For example, people you sit next to, people who you have classes with, and people who sit around you at lunch. The more you talk to a person, the better friends you will be.

2) Be nice. You may joke around with your best friend by being "rude" to them. Wether it's telling them their favorite artist or band sucks, or their outfit doesn't match, they'll know you're kidding. Random people you just met won't know you're kidding. Save those jokes for people you have close bonds with.

3) Smell fresh. You don't want to smell like a dumpster. That will only make people want to be away from you. Wash yourself and put on deodorant everyday to stay clean. Quick tip: If you're in class and you realize you forgot to put on deodorant, grab some hand sanitizer and ask to go to the bathroom. Rub the hand sanitizer all over your arm pits. Bacteria is actually what makes you stink. Hand sanitizer will kill the bacteria. However, don't use this everyday as an alternative for deodorant. This is just in case you forget deodorant.

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