Entry 5

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The MediBay isn't too far from the kitchen/dining room. It's just a few yards away; by Engie's Workshop. They both  work in a lab (though we call it "Medic's Lab" since he uses it more). I opened the door to the MediBay and saw the doc putting supplies into a cabinet. "You needed me?" He stopped what he was doing and looked back at me.
"Oh! Tal! Ja,ja, come in, come in! And close zhe door, vill you?" I walked in, closing the door behind me. The doc walked over to me and placed something in my hand. It was a giant folder with my name on it.
"Why did you give this to me?" I asked.
"It's your files," the doc told me.
"Ja, every one of us haz one. But zhere's something in there you need to see." He saw my confused expression and led me to an office I didn't even knew he had. It seemed "neat" in my standards. There was a skeleton model in the back corner and on the wall was a poster about the digestive system. There were many filing cabinents by the poster. In the middle of the room there was a desk. In front of it was two red chairs. I sat down and immediately opened the file. There was several papers in it. I looked at the first page.
Name: Flora Parks
Age: 16
Hometown: Columbia, South Carolina
Birthdate: June 15th
Current Team (s): RED
Basic information. However, one thing caught my attention on that page.
Parents: Mark Parks (Deceased) , Lola Moore Parks (Deceased)
Siblings- Johnny Parks (Deceased) , Stanford Parks (Deceased)
"Wh...what?! Th-that's not true! It's lying!" I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "This isn't true, right?" Medic placed something next to me. It was a newspaper article from my hometown on June 30th, 1972. There was a photo of four body bags, all different sizes. My parents...dead.My little brothers...dead. "Family murdered last night. It is believed that the family was eating dinner when an intruder broke into the house. The intruder murdered them all in cold blood before stealing $50 and some jewelry and escaping. The only surviving member of the family is their missing daughter, Flora Parks, who has been missing for one month now. I remember reading the article several times before pushing it aside, still in shock.
"I'm sorry," the doc said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "I just zhought you needed to know. Are you alright?" I nodded. I felt so bad for my brothers. They were so, so young and little. However, my parents disowned me...why should I care about them?
Around thirty minutes later, I walked to my room from the MediBay.It was a while before I got there. I passed the dining room and saw they were still eating, except for Demoman who was passed out on the table. I walked into the hallway that led to the rooms, not giving a care in the world. Parents...dead. Brothers...dead. I'm all alone...and I'd it wasn't for the respawn system, I would be dead as well. I looked down at two photographs I had. The first one was of my last family photo before I left. The second one was of the RED group picture with me in it, smiling like a little child at Christmas. My friends...no, not just friends. My new family? Yes. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the sound of a spy uncloaking behind me. I stopped the moment I felt the tip of a blade poke my back. I secretly put the images back in my pockets. "Mon ami," a Frenchman spoke, "if you wish to get out of this unharmed then I highly suggest you be a good girl and do exactly what I say, oui?" I didn't respawn. The Spy growled. "Put your hands in zhe air," he ordered. I slowly obeyed him, trying to come up with a plan in my mind. The BLU Spy leaned closer to my ear. "Now tell me, where iz zhe intelligence?"
"It's..." I began to speak. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind. I only had one shot at this and it better work. "I'd have to point. I don't know this place well."
"Ugh...merde...make it quick." I turned around and began to point at Scout's room. The Spy turned his head to look and I quickly swung a punch at his face and kicked his leg. He fell to the ground, accidentally firing his revolver, giving him away. I could hear the others running over to where we were, calling my name and the doc's.  I kicked the revolver out of the Spy's hand, but her refused to go down without a fight. The BLU Spy took out a knife and swung it at me. It cut a small lock of hair and cut my arm. I kept fighting. Unfortunately, I had nothing to protect myself with, but I leapt at the revolver on the ground. The sound of running feet drew closer . I blindly shot the revolver twice. One missed but the other hit the Spy's shoulder. He stumbled back,clutching his shoulder. There was a crimson stain on his suit. "You little brat," he mumbled. "You will pay for this." He threw the knife at me and had a great aim, unfortunately. However, before it hit, before the blade went through my chest , I fired one last shot. Headshot.By the time I fell to the ground, almost unconscious, the others arrived.
I woke up in the MediBay, on a white bed with tools carefully placed at my side. The bloody knife that hit me was by me as well. My shirt was off so I could clearly see stitches on m chest at where the knife hit. My  shirt was hanging on a coat rack the doc had. I groaned and sat up. The doc was back at the cabinet, looking through it.
About at hour later, I returned to my room. There, I layer down on my bed, thinking about today. Just today so much has happened. There was a knock on my door. I opened the door and saw Pyro. "Hi Pyro!" I exclaimed, smiling. He waved at me and mumbled something I couldn't understand. I shrugged. "Sorry, Pyro. I don't understand." He took out something from a bag that was hidden by the door. It was a plushed Balloonicorn. I gasped. "Oh my goodness! It's so adorable!" I smiled. "Sure! I can play!" I let him in and he waited on my bed as I looked for my toy Spy Crab. We played for a long time before it was time for him to leave. He mumbled goodbye and waved as he left my room.Why must Pyro be so adorable???

(A/N: Translations:
Mon ami = French for my friend
Merde = French for s*** :P
Oui = French for yes)

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