"Just a nice walk. It's calm today, nice an sunny. Besides," he came closer and pulled lightly on her bright green hair, "There is one place I haven't shown you yet. I think you'll like it." He said, smiling. Lucky returned his gesture only with a raised eye brow. However, no matter how much she looked indifferent and unimpressed on the outside, she admitted to herself that she was a little curious.

Now that they were finally starting to walk, the two felix's mostly just engaged in small talk. They had seen each other so often that nothing knew had happened to either since the last time they'd seen each other. Lucky was starting to wonder if she was spending too much time with Fenrix.

Nah... There was no harm in it.

Just then Fenrix rolled his neck and caught Lucky staring. He grinned as Lucky looked away too hastily. Damn, he was sexy and he knew it all too well. One thing she deffinatly hated about Fenrix was how vain he was...

Yeah, maybe she was spending too much time with him...

After a few minutes they reached the river where Fenrix had caught her that trout all those weeks ago. They had met up here a few times since and Lucky even became quite efficient at catching her own fish. But on this visit, she had no intension of catching a fish, she just wanted a thirst quenching drink.

Problem? Why, Fenrix was with her, of course.

As soon as she leaned down to take a drink, she felt herself being pushed in. She was so surprised that she couldn't stop herself and soon found herself drenched in the water, head to foot. She lifted her head from the chilling river and glared at the laughing Fenrix with pure venom.

Another thing she hated about Fenrix was the stupid, immature games he played...

After a long, very much avoidable, session of, quite frankly, drying off, Lucky and Fenrix started off again - of course, Fenrix had to appologise about a hundred times before Lucky's death looks ceased. All the same, it didn't take long before something else went wrong - for Lucky anyway.

They had barely left the river banks before Fenrix spotted a female felix heading towards them. He must have some sort of sixth sense when it came to ladies. Lucky sighed and followed the already trotting Fenrix. He made her so insecure; one minute he was all hers and the next he's off, acting like he didn't even know she was there.

When she finally walked up next to him, Fenrix appeared to have just finished complimenting the pretty little female. She had a silvery pelt with light green and dark blue markings. She looked quite young, younger than Lucky herself, and appeared to have swallowed every word Fenrix had said. Both Fenrix and the female turned to see Lucky at the same time, Fenrix flashing a smile and the female's expression drooping. Fenrix turned back a whispered something Lucky didn't catch before turning back to Lucky and smiling before walking off. Lucky didn't even spare a glance for the female, she simply rolled her eyes and followed, tail thrashing in frustration.

Great, so he acts like he's into her, then goes off to flirt with some random girl whenever he pleases. He changes in the blink of an eye. Deffinatly something she was fast starting to hate - she didn't hate it yet, but oh, she was close.

Now lucky thought about it, why did she even stay with him? Why did she tolerate him? Just a few days ago he'd introduce her to some of his friends and boy, were they jerks! Comelete play boys, perverts, utter neds, not the kind of friends she thought Fenrix would have! Some even attempted to flirt with her, an act that nearly made her sick. But what had surprised - and actually hurt - her more what when Fenrix started to act like them. He had totally changed, yeah, he was a flirtatious letch, but he wasn't horrible or anything of the sort, usually, he was quite sweet. It was like he changes his personality depending on who he was with. That thought really hurt Lucky. If he changed personality for everyone else, what if he was changing, or hiding, his personality for her? She wanted the Fenrix that she knew, but now she questioned if that Fenrix actually exists.

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