Dusty,Dirty,Daring but not dead?

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The sun was beaming and I could feel the sweat dripping down my face already.I wiped a shaking hand across my forehead as I beheld the scene before me.Two boys, standing ready for battle in the harsh barren western desert.Their guns ready for battle, they looked at each other with a steady yet cold gaze in their eyes.I whipped my head back and forth between them wondering which one would make the first move.

Their hands twitched with the anticipation of shooting their guns as the crowd looked on in awe.The Sheriff charged out of the saloon,his face enraged."What's going on?!?",he questioned commandingly in his old western accent."There's a shoot out",Miss.Bevenue,the oldest women in town and owner of the post office drawled.

He let out a big huff as he looked at the two boys,indicating he was beyond angry."Corona get inside", Sheriff Dodger ordered me without taking his eyes off the two boys standing a few feet from him."But dad-",I retorted in my soft southern bell accent."Now now darlin',I don't want any buts now you here.You just get your but in the saloon and let your daddy take care of this here duel.",My father ordered,cutting me off.Sighing I followed my daddy's order and went into the saloon.

The saloon was the same as any other saloon around these parts.Dusty,made of mostly wood with a bar,grand piano and stage for the dancers.Ignoring the bartender and people drinking their hard liquor I scurried to the window and peered out at the deserted street.The boys were still planted in the middle of the street with the grim expressions clear upon their daring faces.My father stood between,his arms flailing and his face turning red from yelling.

The boys payed no attention to him and kept staring at each other.Once it was obvious that the boys weren't going to stop my father lumbered over to the saloon and stood on it's steps over watching the shoot out with a huff.'It's starting.', I thought as my palms began to sweat and my face became one of concern.'Please don't let him get hurt.',I pleaded.I turned my head away from the disturbing scene.

'I can't...I just can't watch him get hurt',I thought as tears rolled down my cheeks.I plugged my ears and squeezed my eyes shut just as a dull boom sounded from outside.The boom was followed by a grunt and a loud thud.'Is he dead',I questioned.The thought seemed to echo in my mind and suddenly it seemed as if I was surrounded by endless darkness.

I disappeared from the dimness and abruptly it seemed as if I was floating.Without warning a bright light materialized in front of me."No no no I don't wanna die let me go back!",I screamed trying to grab onto the edges of the tunnel and propel myself backwards down it.It didn't work of course because I seemed to have no arms or legs in this form or even a body to be exact."I don't want to die",I whispered as I closed my eyes and felt myself being sucked into the illuminated  tunnel.

"Not die",a soft voice whispered,"Awaken".


I shoot upwards from my bed.The sweat from my forehead flying forward and landed on my already damp sheets.The rugged gasps from my hearing echoed of the brown walls of my bedroom as I tried to sort out my thoughts.'Who am I?Corona?No.I'm Naomi.I know it.',I thought as I pushed my blanket aside and started trudging to the bathroom.'I really need to stop having theses dreams',I groaned internally as I grabbed my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

'I mean really.Who is this Corona chick and why does it matter if I know about her life or not?',I questioned myself as I  watched the foam bubble from my mouth,making me look as if I had rabies.'I'll figure it out later',I decided as I wiped my mouth and lugged myself to my closet to pick out my outfit.'Besides it was probably just a normal dream',I thought reassuringly as I grabbed the clothes from my wardrobe."Yeah a dream that you have over and over again",a soothing voice inside my head whispered as I put on my outfit.

'Shut up voice',I ordered sternly as I strode over to my mirror.'Dang i'm looking good today.',I thought as I inspected myself in the mirror.I was wearing a dark V-neck with long sleeves,a pair of dark straight leg jeans and black high shoe converses.'Yup,definitely looking good',I confirmed,taking one last glance at the mirror.I snatched my purple backpack  from beside my bed and sprinted down the straight hardwood stairs.

Turning on my toes at the bottom of the stairs I yelled to my mother,"I'm going to school Mom,love ya!".I was about to walk out the door when a voice stopped me."Hold it!",it hollered.I turned around to face my mother drying a plate with a dish rag."Where do you think your going?",she questioned,her black hair disheveled and her gray eyes blazing with anger.

"Um...to school.",I answered quietly."Not without breakfast you aren't.Now get in the kitchen and eat something",she commanded with a narrowing of her eyes.Deciding not to fight with her I turned on my heel and skipped to the kitchen.It was an average sized kitchen with wooden cabinets,tile floor and a table of to the right with a light fixture dangling over it.Brushing past the island I danced to the cabinets and spotted a box of Honey Bunches of Oats.

Clasping the box in my hands I grabbed a bowl and spoon from the drawers below.I pooled them into my arms and waddled around the island and over to my wooden table.Dumping the items onto the table with a small clang from the bowl and spoon connecting with the table I turned on my heels and strode over to the metallic colour fridge.Grabbing the cool milk from the fridge I closed the door with a small 'THUMP'.I turned around and headed back to the rectangular table with the milk in my hand sloshing with every step.

 Placing the milk on the table I sat in one of the mahogany chairs and scooted forward until I was satisfied with my position at the table.Grabbing the box of cereal I shook it over the bowl and watched them stack up in it.I scooped the milk up,twisted the plastic cover off and poured the pasty liquid on top of the dry cereal.Having finished making my cereal I grabbed my spoon and plunged it into my Honey Bunches of Oats.Shoving the spoonful of food into my mouth I revelled in the taste of Cinnamon,wheat and almonds.

I took a moment to savor the delicious flavors before digging into the Honey Bunches of Oats and devouring it in a couple of short minutes.Shoving my dirty dishes into the sink and placing the cereal and milk back into their proper positions, I grabbed my over stuffed backpack  and ran up to my mom."Love you Mum", I said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and running out the door."Love you too Hun.Have a nice day.",she yelled from the doorway as I entered the bus.Sitting down beside my best friend Kara I had only one thought,'Another day and then back to that dream.....yet again.'


OK so that's the end of the first chapter.What do you think?I want your opinions more than anything,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2011 ⏰

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