Chapter One

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The cold wind seeped through my thin coat, washing any warmth the cloth brought me and leaving me breathless and frozen.

The sky was dark. The stars barely illuminating the street I'm walking- well, more like stumbling, on. All of the street lights were broken or not even there. This was one of the worst neighborhoods in the city, but this is all I have.

My stomach rumbled, branding me as hungry. I haven't eaten it two days, drank anything in three. I don't have a home or house, or even a family to go home to. I have no one.

I'm utterly alone, unless you count the few mice that follow me around, begging for the scraps of food that I barely get by on. It really gets quiet when I have nothing left.

Loud noises and chattering mouths began to rise from up ahead, signaling that someone or people were coming.

I don't exactly like people. The night, the night when I was left all alone, was the night after my mother was murdered. My step father had been the one to do it. He was angry, pissed, after he had come home from the bar. I didn't exactly know why he was, but it was to te point that my mother told me to hide somewhere, to get somewhere safe.


I ran upstairs as fast as I could, my little feet slapping against the floorboards as I ran with all my heart, trying to escape the sounds of my stepfather yelling and my mom's quieter sobs.

I pressed my hands to my ears and the noise intensified. All my stepfather kept repeating was, 'YOU CHEATED! I'VE HEARD IT FROM EVERYONE! YOU LOUSY BITCH!!' and my mom's small responses, telling him that it wasn't true. She's always been faithful and that he needs to get help.

For a few seconds that's all I heard, but then something made a loud sound, almost like the sound of something large hitting the floor. I uncovered my ears and strained to listen for any other sounds. I stopped moving and tried to be as silent as I could.

There was nothing, but the heavy breathing and panting that I could hear all the way upstairs. It was as if someone had just run a marathon and was doubled over, trying and failing to catch their breath.


I immediately snap myself out of the flashback. What happened next is too terrifying to have to live through again, even if it is just a memory now. For now, all anyone has to know is that I was traumatized beyond belief of larger men. Men who could easily harm me.

As the people on the street grew nearer to where I was standing, I began to make out little details about each one of them. For starters, they were all very large people and by the looks of it, they weren't wearing any coats.

There were three of them. The one in the front was walking at a much faster pace than the other two in the back. He was also taller and way more buff than them too. Buff? Tall? Wide?


The people ahead of me were men.

Once the realization hit, my heart rate skyrocketed, beating wildly in my chest. I could hear it like a drum in my ear. My head began to spin and I started walking backwards, not taking my eyes off them in fear of losing one of them and having that one surprise me later.

So far, incredibly as it was, I had gone unnoticed. It looks like the two in the back were messing around, shoving each other, but at least they were smaller than the man in the front. The man who, if looks could kill, would have to dead people on his hands.

As I continued walking backwards, I stumbled over a garbage, spilling its contents and making a rather large metal clang as is smashed against the uneven sidewalk.

I froze and the men in front of me had froze too. Not a single joke or shout was thrown between the two people in the back who looked mildly curious, while the guy in the front stared at me with an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

Finally dropping their gaze, I spin quick and try to make a break for it. Only to trip over the stupid can again, this time making it so I also landed on the fence off to the side of it.

The feeling of my skin tearing is what made me let out a cry, high and desperate as I watched as the blood formed a dark spot on my useless jacket.

Great, where am I supposed to get another one of those.

I hear a growl from right. in. front. of. me.

This is it. I'm going to die.

My head starts the spin faster, making me dizzy and nauseous and the only I see before

completely passing out is one pair of red eyes and two pairs of golden ones.

He's an Alpha. Oh, great. It seems like the wolves have found me.


Tommy above.

Thanks guys for reading. I'll update twice every week. :) Until about Thursday.

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