Chapter One: Introducement & Graduation

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Tia's POV:

I was randomly trying to play tunes on my piano for the next song I was about to write. I have been up all night because I just couldn’t go to sleep. I guess I should introduce myself. I am a senior at Wood Lock High School here in Texas. Today is my last day of High School so I am super excited. Oh yeah, did I also mention I have written 54 songs that you have probably heard on the radio?

I got up, brushed my teeth and got ready for school. I wore a simple floral dress with a white cardigan and slipped on some golden sandals. I went down stairs to see Will eating cereal and still in his pajamas. (This consisted of just shorts) “Morning Will.” “Morning” he replied in his usual raspy voice.

Will has been my best guy friend since kindergarten, and he has been there for me whenever I needed him, especially with my parents. Like most people, their parents got into fights or were constantly away from each other. With my family it was different. When I was three, my dad abused my mother and I for quite awhile until my mom decided to run away, and thank the lord that she didn’t leave me with him. She took me with her and moved here to Texas. It wasn’t until around two years ago that she was diagnosed with lung cancer. That was when Will was always there for me. She died not to long after that and I remember wondering what to do. The only family I had left was her and she was now gone.

That was when Will offered to let me live with him. At that time his older brother Dill that was twenty-five just moved out of the house that they both shared to live with his girlfriend. See unlike me, Will’s parents were very sweet. It was a tragedy for all of us when they died in a car crash on their way back from a cruise to surprise them, but from then on I have been living with Will for a solid year.

I went over to Will and gave him a hug. It wasn’t weird feeling his abs because I’ve probably hugged him like a gazillion times. “What was that for?” he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. It was really just a thank you to him for all he has done. I think he knew that too.“We have to leave in five minutes. You need to get dressed!” I yelled at him. He hurriedly finished his bowl of cereal while I grabbed a piece of toast, and ran upstairs. Two minutes later he was dressed in baggy skinny jeans and a red and black flannel, his signature outfit.

Will was also a senior and graduating today too. He is eighteen while I’m seventeen because I have a late birthday. But school wise he’s really smart, but hides it. I on the other hand am in the top five percent of the school.  It’s really weird actually because he is considered ‘Mr. Popular’ and ‘Mr. Bad boy’, while I am over her being ‘Ms. Nerdy” and ‘The Shy Girl’. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not someone who gets bullied or picked on. I’m more of the average girl at school. I get along with everyone well and even got awarded last year for “THE WORLD’S BEST QUIETEST HELPER”.

We hopped into his Black Ford truck and drove to school. We only lived about fifteen minutes away so it wasn’t too long. On the way I put on my beats and pressed shuffle on my iPhone. As we got into the school’s parking lot, a group of Will’s friends came up. You see Will is VERY popular, so his friends and I get along okay but not like totally best friends forever (if you know what I mean). “I’ll see you later okay Tia?” Will whispered in my ear. “Ya” I nodded my head and smiled. Some of his friends said hi to me and I greeted and waved back at them sincerely. I walked into the front doors of Wood Lock to only be knocked over by my friend Cat. You know that one friend you have that is always crazy no matter what? Well that’s Cat. “TIIIAAAAA!!!!!!!!” she screamed at me. “Cat! Not so loud, everyone is looking.” I whispered yelled at her. I don’t like being the center of attention and being around Cat a lot, sure doesn’t help. “Sorry!” we continued to walk down the hall to first period since we had A/V Tech together. Time flew bye and before I knew it, we were being loaded into the Gym to the graduating ceremony. After everyone finished receiving their certificates and were finally graduated, Will went out to a party for the rest of the day and I went home, since it was only 5:00.


Okay I know its boring so far, but I promise things will get more exciting!

It's my first fanfic, so please bare with me here


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