Chapter 2

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Everybody was happily surprised by the news of Alyss' pregnancy, and of course wanted everybody to give his or her congratulations. Pauline gave Halt a look that said: was it really that hard to guess? Halt didn't reply. Together they walked over to Will and Alyss. 

"Congratulations," said Halt. He was actually very happy, but it wasn't in his nature to show his emotions. Will looked happily at his former mentor. He knew Halt, and he knew that the older Ranger was happier than he seemed. But Pauline showed that she was very happy for the younger couple. She thought of them as her own son or daughter, so it felt like she was becoming grandma. Which was a very nice thought. She embraced both and wanted to say something, but Halt was first. 

"How did you manage it to keep it secret? I mean, normally I know it within three days if you're not telling something," he asked Will. Will didn't get the chance to answer, because Pauline already had an answer. She knew that if nobody would stop the Ranger's on forehand, they would start with a two-side current of insults. 

 "You almost haven't seen each other much this month," she reminded Halt. "You were too busy with all those bandits." 

Before one of the Rangers could answer, Pauline asked Alyss: "So, still about eight months to go, right?" Alyss nodded and Pauline added: "The last two months you won't have to work, of course. Not the first to months either, but after that you really have to start working again," she ended laughing.

"Of course that's the same for you, Will," added Crowley. "Those four months you'll only have to do the things around here, at Castle Redmont. Halt will do your other things. But after that, you'll have to be able to go on missions." 

"You're right, Crowley," Will answered. Everyone ignored Halt, who had raised one eyebrow after hearing that for four months he would have to do twice the work he did now. He could manage it easily, of course. Before Will, he had done it all alone, but it was all about the principle. Will went on with his story. 

"There will be times that Alyss and I are both busy with missions and stuff, so there has to be someone who will take care of our child then. We wanted to ask you, Pauline." Pauline smiled and nodded, that would be fun! 

"But you'll not always be available, so Jenny, do you want to be the back-up?" Also Jenny smiled. That would be nice! She wanted to have kids too. But before that could happen, she had to be married, and she wasn't. Well, she wasn't yet

"And last but not least, we need godparents. Horace, Cassandra, what do you think?" The couple nodded. "Of course! It will be fun for Madelyn too, because then she isn't that lonely, but let's hope that it isn't necessary," Cassandra joked. Everybody laughed, and the party went on for another few hours. That night, Will was sitting in Tug's stable. After a few hours party, Alyss had said to be tired, so she had gone inside. After, the other guests left too. The people of Araluen had apartments in Castle Redmont, and the others went to their homes. Gilan stayed at Will and Alyss', and after everything was cleaned he went to bed either. So Will was the only one awake now in his cabin, not counting Tug and Ebony. That was the reason he was now in Tug's stable. He had been thinking about the day, what was told, asked and accepted. They had godparents and two babysitters for their upcoming baby. Last things on the list, was thinking of a name and an extra room. Name would be a last-minute thing, because it would take another seven months before they would know if it was a boy or a girl. And of course would it sleep the first months in their room, but after, he or she would need an own room. And that would mean that they wouldn't have a spare room anymore for when someone stayed at their cabin, like Gilan now. And also not a room for when Will - because that was also possible - get an apprentice. Will shrugged. Tug looked at him, uncomprehendingly. Well then you just build another room. "It's not that easy, Tug. The only place with enough space is your stable's spot. Or do you prefer to stay outside, always?" Of course not, but then I can get a new stable. A bigger one, so there's more space for other horses. And you can make a special place in it for the food. "I won't let the food, nor the apples, near you Tug, nice try. You heart Halt, right? Never give your horse too many apples." Tug snorted. Will knew, that he and Halt never agreed about the fact how many apples a horse can eat, without becoming fat. "Well, Tug. I think I'll go to bed either. It doesn't make sense to stay here all night, pondering about something that has to be ready it about eight months." But you have to be done in eight months. Will ignored his horse and left the stable. Tug would always have the last word, so it would be only more annoying to react and get a reaction back. He called Ebony. When his dog was inside as well, he closed the door and walked silently to his room.


What do you guys think of this chapter? Not a cliff-hanger, but there will come chapters with a cliff-hanger, don't you worry xD

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Greetings, RedRose-Arrow

Ranger's Apprentice; An unfortunate Birth {TO BE REWRITTEN}Where stories live. Discover now