Veronica stands next to him, clutching him as though she owned him. She is dressed up like a princess with a crown on her fancy chignon. Then again, she always was the " princess" .

"Betty.." He starts, still staring at me.

I give a tight lipped smile," I think I'll go get some punch."

I go stand near the punch counter and gab a glass. Taking a long sip, I wince.

It tastes weird.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I whip around. Thinking that it is Archie, I hold my breath.

"Betty? "

" Jughead? " I can't help but blurt at the same time as I stare at him in shock. 

Dressed up in a dark black suit with his hair messily styled and  fangs completing his look. He looks like a sexy Vampire.
Sexy as hell.

I find his eyes still on me." Uh, you look good." He awkwardly complements me before avert his eyes away,suddenly feeling embarrassed.

" You too. " I whisper shyly.

" Wanna dance? " He holds out his hand and I take it without thinking.

I smile, " With pleasure. "

" Hey, look at that! A hot angel with Jug. "Someone screams, making me blush as everyone eyes are on us.

Jug smirks as I secretly sneak peeks at him,"Am I that drool worthy?" He teases, making me slap his shoulder.

Ginger then suddenly stops the music and stands on a stool, "Hey everyone! Thank you for coming to my party! Are you guys having fun?" Ginger screams in a mike.

Everyone nods and yells with their fists pumped up.

" I wanted to give out a few prizes, since it's Halloween and you guys are dressed up. " She states, making people hoot in excitement.

" First, the funniest costume goes to.. Chuck! "

Chuck comes forward, dressed up as a basketball. She gives  him an envelope before he trips and starts rolling around, making everyone howl with laughter.

" The scariest costume goes to Matthew. "

She gives out a few more prizes before holding up a beautifully decorated envelope. " And the main prize today, is the couple's prize, which will go to the best dressed couple "

It's definitely Veronica and Archie .

" to Betty and Jughead!"

" Wait.. What?! " I look around and everyone is looking at us as they clap with grins on their faces.

Jug takes my hand and pulls me to the front and she hands us an envelope.

" Could you both kiss for us? " She asks us with a sly look on her face.

We both look at her, dumbstruck as the crowd chants, " Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Jughead grabs my shoulders and I close my eyes, with my heart pumping faster than it ever has before.

When he slowly leans in my palms start sweating in nervousness. I feel his breath  on my neck before I feel a soft peck on my cheek.

" What was that! It was supposed to be on the lips!" Ginger exclaims, looking  disappointed.

The crowd sounds disappointed as well.

" Well, you didn't specify where." Jug smugly says making Ginger sigh.

" Fine." She says in defeat as she clambers down from the chair.

Music starts playing and slowly the crowd breaks up as  everyone starts dancing and drinking.

I touched my cheek. I can't believe that I felt disappointed as well. Do I like him? My throat felt dry, so I drink one more glass of punch.

"Why does this taste weird? "I ask myself out loud but I drink one more glass anyway

I'm on my fourth glass(I think) and as I bring it to my lips someone holds my hand.

" What are you drinking? "

I look up at Jug's face." Punch."I say with a slur.

" Have you been drinking?" Jug asks with disbelief.

" Only punch" I say truthfully as I hold of out for him to see.He takes the cup from my hand.

" It's been spiked ." He says dryly." How many have you had? ." He asks with worry.

" Four ." I say as I hold out my finger which seem to be hazy ."

" What! " He chokes as I nod, feeling very light headed.

My head starts spinning and I lose my balance and fall ,waiting to hit the ground .

But I don't as I feel him pick me up and carry me.Somehow, in his arms I feel warm and safe.

I moved on Archie I ✔Where stories live. Discover now