"You know you don't have to come on this date, I'm fine with the rejection," Diego says making a turn

"Diego, I want to come on this date. Leon may never remember, I want to be on this date with you," I say and put his other hand in mine.

He gives me a smile and I squeeze his hand. The car ride was normal after that. We asked each other questions, trying to get to know each other. It was different to being with Leon, but I liked it. He was funny, and he was very kind.

"Ah, we are here," Diego says stopping the car.

I open the door and get out. We had stopped in front of a brick wall that was graffitied.

"Um Diego?" I say and he chuckles deeply.

He takes my hand and leads me to the end of the wall. I see a small door, wide enough for somebody to fit through, but it was quite short. Diego unlocks the door and puts a hand on my back telling me to go in.

"If you rape me, I will literally kill you," I say before bending down and walking through.

Diego comes in a short while after and pulls a string to switch on the light. I see a sunset on the wall, it was painted by an amazing artist. It looked like it was in the African Wild, animals were in the picture. Some lying down, lions chasing buck, elephants drinking from the water hole. I stare in awe when Diego gives me a little push.

"I will explain later," He says and I nod.

I carry on walking down the stairs and get to the bottom. This time I pull the string and see a small round table set up. The wall caught my attention. This time it was the ocean. There so many shades of blue I couldn't even count. There were some sea animals and I begin tracing my fingers over the pictures.

"See that purple starfish," Diego says and I nod, "I painted that," He says and he smiles. "I was five,"

"You are amazing!" I exclaim looking at the starfish.

I never even noticed he moved until his hand was on my back. He leads me to the table and we sit down.

"This place was started by my father {Gregorio is still Diego's father} he had a vision to let people express themselves. He liked art, it made me get into it. That starfish above mine was the last thing we painted together. Then he left," Diego explains putting his hands on the table, "and then, his best friend came and took over. I kept on coming, helping, painting. This is the last thing I have from him. I can't even remember what he looked like," Diego tells me and I can see tears forming in his eyes.

I take his hands in mine and kiss his knuckles. I look at him smiling.

"Thanks for sharing this place," I whisper and he grins at me.

"So let me call the chef, he's amazing!" Diego grins and I laugh.


"So did I bring the swimming costume for nothing?" I ask Diego as he locks the door.

"Nope," He says popping the 'p'

The sun set was setting so it cast a light glow over everything. I smile at him, and he grins back.


"We are the only people here," I say coming out of the change room with my bikini on.

"Its good isn't it," Diego winks.

He takes off his shirt and I had to stop myself from drooling, to think I found him hot in a shirt!

He takes my hand and leads me to the shoreline, the waves ending at my toes. I wiggle my toes at the cold.

"Fran, will you be my girlfriend?" Diego asks softly, I wasn't sure if he had really intended for me to hear.

"Of course," I answer, "I really enjoyed the date, you showed some place important to you."

Diego spins me around and cups my face in his hand. He leans down and kisses my lips softly. There were fireworks, I tried to push Leon out of my head as I kissed him back. He was a great kisser,I had to give him that. When we break apart I bite my lip smiling at him.

"Let's go in the water," Diego grins,I take off my coverup and he pulls my hand dragging me to the water.

I laugh as he pulls me along. When we reach the water he pulls me chest deep into the water. I close my eyes and I bite my lip hard from the cold. Diego wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his bare chest. Eventually I warm up to the water, we stand there like that for a while when I pull away. I splash water onto the part of his chest that wasn't wet and he curses.

"Fran!" He warns and I splash him again.

He shakes his head and splashes me. His were much worse than mine, must be a guy thing. I remember when I was with Leon, and we would have a splash fight -stop! You have a new boyfriend.

I turn back to Diego and grin deviously at him. I begin splashing wildly and then Diego disappears underwater. Suddenly I feel myself getting lifted off my feet. I scream in protest and Diego comes from under the water, with me in his arms. He shakes his wet hair and small droplets of water land on my face. He lets me go and I kiss him passionately putting my arms around his neck.

I have a new boyfriend.

I liked the sound of that.

Hate me? Don't? Anyway, Diecesca chapter. With 4 chapters left what do you think will happen? It was very long, not sure if I can even write a longer one for this book. . I'm going to do a Leon chapter again, I just really want to write him as well. It's fun. Get ready for some jealous Leon, because it's just amazing. Not sure how I can write it, but anyway. Thanks for reading! And sorry for mistakes! You see I was going to proofread it but it was way too long!


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