oh goodness

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Okay okay so Josh is this good witch right like he's so sweet and nice and he lives in the woods in this house made out of candy and gingerbread and he's kinda lonely bc it's just him all by himself all alone all day so he's supersuper nice and inviting to anyone who visits him okay

And anyway one day, Tyler aka the poor farmer from the village a few miles away stumbles upon Josh's candy house while he's lost in the woods and he's been traveling for a long time so he's pretty tired and damn he is just starving he hasn't eaten in 4ever. So when he sees the candy house he's like "what is this oh my goodness" and he carefully approaches it and damn it looks so good so tasty he wants to eat it so bad he's so hungry, so he carefully picks a tiny piece of a giant gum drop off the side of the house and nibbles on it and fuCK it tastes so gOod so he just eats the whole giant gum drop and gets another one and he is just loving it okay.

And at this point, Josh the cute shy lil witch is lookin out the window at Tyler watchin him eat and he thinks Tyler is soso cute so he pokes his head out the door and calls to Tyler "Oh, hello!!" and Tyler whips his head around to see this cute boy standing in the doorway of the house and Josh giggles and he's like "I'm
Josh. I live here."
And Tyler is like "holy shit I'm so sorry I ate your house"
and Josh just smiles like "I don't mind, you can eat all you want. There's more inside!" and he motions for Tyler to come join him

Tyler follows Josh inside because he is hungry as fuck and Josh is just so cute and nice and Josh sits Tyler down in the big comfy chair made out of marshmallow cushions in the middle of the living room and he's like "So what's ur name, cutie?"
Tyler blushes a little and says "My name's Tyler. I got lost in the woods and found your house and I was just so hungry I'm so sorry I ate it"
And Josh gasps and he's like "ohmygoodness are you still hungry?? You're so skinny oh my Nonono we need to fix this right now!!

And so since Josh is a witch and he can do magic, he -POOF- makes a bunch of desserts and candy and sweets appear right before Tyler's eyes and Tyler's just like "WHoA is all that for me??" and Josh smiles real big and nods and he real quick climbs in Tyler's lap holding a big piece of chocolate and he breaks off a piece and holds it infront of Tyler's mouth and Tyler just lets him feed it to him and Josh giggles he's so happy okay he feeds Tyler more and more of the chocolate and Tyler is just loving it he hums while he's chewing and smiles and when Josh runs out of the chocolate, he grabs a bag of gum drops and feeds them all to Tyler and then they move on to the gummy worms and M&MS and twizzlers and cookies and brownies and Hershey's kisses and anything with sugar and just wow they go through so much candy and Tyler's lil belly is so swollen and full and he's moanin he's not used to eating like this but he loves it so much and Josh is just stuffing Tylers face with whatever candy he can get his hands on.

Whenever Tyler can't possibly eat anymore, Josh starts rubbin his tummy giving him a lil belly massage and Tyler just sighs like "ohmygodjoshthatfeelssogood" and Josh smiles while he's working his hands all over Tyler lil tum and oh my he leans in and kisses Tyler's lips and Tyler is so surprised but he just melts into the kiss and lets Josh do as he pleases but since Josh is polite and respectful he doesn't push for anything more than just a kiss okay he just kisses Tyler real good for a little bit and then pulls away and smiles at Tyler and pats his lil belly and asks "Are you hungry anymore, baby?" and Tyler shakes his head no and Josh is so pleased with himself okay he never wants Tyler to ever be hungry again.


So the next day, Tyler wakes up in a comfy bed and there's sunshine coming in thru the window and it's just so nice and he yawns and at first he doesn't really remember where he is but then he notices the chocolate chips on the floor of the room and he's remembers and that's when Josh opens the door and pokes his head in like "Goodmorning cutie!! I made you some breakfast in bed!!" And he comes in the room hold a huge tray of chocolate chip pancakes with syrup and candy on the side and holy shit Tyler is so excited.

Josh sets the tray down on the nightstand and picks up a fork and cuts the first pancake into bites and then he holds a bite infront of Tyler's mouth and Tyler eats it and he moans it tastes so good he just wants more so Josh grins and feeds him more and more like they go through 4 or 5 pancakes and these pancakes are rly big okay but they taste so good and then Josh feeds Tyler the candy like chocolate bars and caramel candies and peanut butter cups and mmmm Tyler is in heaven he loves it so much and he's getting so full and Josh is givin him another belly rub so sweet and nice and yep Tyler loves it he never wants to leave this place.

So basically what happens is Tyler stays with Josh like why would he ever want to leave?? Josh keeps feeding Tyler sweets and desserts all day every day and he never ever never lets Tyler get hungry he always stuffs his face full of every candy known to man and Tyler has such a sweet tooth he just wants to eat dessert all day and of course Josh lets him eat whatever he wants like the whole house is made out if dessert so Tyler can just snack on a piece of the cookie wall or the cotton candy and gum drop decorations and since Josh is a witch, he can just replace whatever Tyler eats anyway so it doesn't matter and of course he wants his baby to be well-fed! Josh'll feed Tyler soso much like to the point where Tyler can't even get up like his belly is just so big and full he can't move and he just lets Josh take care of him giving him lots of love making out with him and pampering him yes yes good. And Tyler is getting so lazy too like he never leaves the house and just lounges around all day stuffing his face while Josh praises him

and also did I mention that Tyler is starting to get chubby af? God damn he's such a fat little slut for dessert like he always begs Josh to feed him more and of course Josh does what Tyler asks like hes tryin to fatten his lil baby up okay, and boy is it working damn Tyler's belly is gettin rly pudgy like it spills over the waistband of his pants and his thighs oh my god his thighs they're so #thickk and they spread so much when he sits down and his asS jesus christ it's so fat oh my Josh loves grabbing that ass he just gropes Tyler sometimes while he's feeding him okay Josh has this thing for Tyler's ass he just loves touching it and feeling him up squeezing it and heyheyhey his favorite thing to do with Tyler's ass is eat it!!

That's right folks Josh loves eatin fat chubby lazy cute Tyler out okay he just eats that ass so good some nights he'll have Tyler on his knees moaning into the pillow while Josh eats him out and Josh is just having the time of his life like he'll giggle like "u taste so yummy, Tyler" and Tyler just groans as Josh fucks him with his tongue and yes goodgood

and did I mention that they fuck all the time because holy shit they do. Josh might seem all cute and innocent but oh ho hooooh that boy knows how to fuck god damn sometimes Josh'll bend Tyler over the table and just fuck him raw and grab his hips and just take him to #poundtown and Tyler is moaning and gasping it feels soso good and other times, Josh fucks Tyler while he feeds him like he'll just fuck Tyler slow and sweet on the bed while he drops little candies and chocolates into his mouth and mmmm mmm yes Tyler loves those nights and other times, Tyler will even ride Josh and god damn Josh loves it like he's got this chubby boy riding his dick and Tyler's belly is bouncing every time he grinds down and so are his thighs and jesus christ Josh and Tyler are livin the life okay

And yep they just love eachother so much everything is so perfect Tyler never wants to leave the candy house and Josh never wants him to leave and he just feeds Tyler all day long and treats him so good and Tyler just eats everything Josh gives him and Josh makes sure that Tyler never has to do any work and Tyler is such a lazy chubby slut and Josh loves it okay he never lets Tyler get hungry and always gives his fat lil belly lots of attention and yepyepyep everything is perfect and they live happily ever after the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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