Chapter 1

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                      Stella's P.O.V

Today is my twenty-sixth birthday. I have been home for two years now. After two months oh being back I got my own apartment. I've been having a good time. No more incidents with the wolf thing. No more Hydra. I was finally having a normal life again. Once I got out of my head I heard the phone ringing. I looked at the clock, nine pm. Who would call at this time of night? I picked up the phone to answer it.
"Hello" I say in a sweet voice even though I was mad because I was about to fall asleep.
"Hello ma'am my name is Nick Fury. I would like you to come to my facility so we can see what Hydra put into you." The guy named Nick Fury states. How does he know about Hydra?
"How do you know about Hydra" I ask. He sighs and says,
"If you come in I will tell you everything." I think for a moment then I answer, "Fine when will we meet?" "I'll have one of my men pick you up on your roof at one pm." I simply reply and hang up. I get dressed in my pajamas and crawl into bed. I close my eyes thinking about Nick and what awaits if they find out? When I wake up it's ten in the morning I decide to get a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast before who ever is coming to get me gets here. Once out of the shower and dressed it is twelve fifty. I decide to skip breakfast and head up to the roof. When I get there there is a plane and a man in a black suit. I walk up to him and say hello. "Hello Ms. Richardson my name is Phil Coulson." He responds sweetly. The back of the plane opens and we walk into it. I take a seat across from from Phil. We were quiet the whole way there. After an about an hour flight we land at this base. I start to get scared and angry remembering Hydra. I start to hyperventilate. This is not good I'm going to have another indecent. I look up at Phil. "Phil please have the pilot open the back I need to run or I might hurt someone" I say he looks at me seeing my pleading eyes. He gets up at opens the hatch in the back. I start to run while every one is watching. This is not good they are going to be scared of me now. I feel myself turn into a wolf. I stop running and turn around to start walking back. When I get to Phil again I'm still a wolf. Phil looks at me then starts coming closer. The closer he gets the smaller I get. I wonder what he is going to do to me. When he is right in front of me I look up and stand on my four paws. What he does surprises me he starts talking to me telling me not to be afraid. I soon get calmed down and turn back into my human form. Phil puts his hand out to me trying to be nice. I take his hand and am up in a second. I turn to Phil. "Thank you for not being afraid of me or shooting me", I say to him with a smile. He looks at me and smiles, "You're welcome I would never shoot you, you are just like me or anyone else here you just have the awesome ability to turn into a wolf." He replies. I smile and look at the building. "Let's go inside there is someone who wants to meet you." He starts walking away and I follow him inside the building. This is going to be something interesting at least I think I have a friend here.

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