Chapter 21

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George... (Dexters dad)

When I heard that growl rip out of my son's throat I was honestly scared.

'Stupid man,' my wolf growled. My wolf, Jax, was ruthless. 'The only reasons we're doing this is to get Zara back! So focus human!' He growled.

I focused on the girl that I was holding. She screamed again and I literally think my eardrums had burst.

She started to silently sob. I could feel her shoulders shaking. I had an inkling of guilt for a moment but then I realized that I could not afford to have guilt when MY MATE was at stake.

The bastard Ashford or whatever the fuck his name is got my wife while we we're out running.

The first time I met this young lady, I had to act cruel to her so she was discouraged to become my son's mate and run to that faggot who had my wife.

In reality I didn't have a single problem with the girl. She was a perfect Luna for the Bloody Moon pack.

But my wife is at stake.

"Why are you doing this?! Let me go!" She yelled. She didn't struggle because she knew that I was the only thing keeping her up and keeping her from falling.

I saw my son knock out the punk Al or whatever and I felt pride until I saw the murderous expression on his face.

I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore since I switched packs but his face said everything. It said you're going to have hell to pay.

I was sacred of my own son.



The man that strangely looked like my knight still held me over the edge. I was scared to death.

I saw my knight look up and give the lanky man holding me a glare. If looks could kill this man would be dead ten times over, have his grave stomped on, and have his corpse be shanked at least a thousand times.

'He actually cares.' My wolf Rose sighed. 'Look! He's coming!' My wolf yipped in happiness.

In at least ten seconds my knight was up here in all his glory. My possessive alpha.

He slowly made his way over to me and approached us as if this man was a hurt, wild animal that would attack when cornered.

The man pushed me more onto the ledge which had cut into my abdomen even more causing me to gasp in pain.

My knight winced as he too felt the slice. E regained balance and stood stiffly waiting for an opening to save me and to attack the man.

"Dad-" it's his dad? That is why he looked familiar. -"why would you do this?" He asked shooting worried glances at me.

"Dexter! I have to! They have your mother! They have my MATE!" He growled and I cringed to get away from him.

Unfortunately the only way to get away from him was into the ledge which into me even more if that was even possible.

I whimpered in pain. This freaking hurt like a mother trucker. Dexter growled low in his throat, which I admit, was incredibly sexy.

Shut up and listen to yourself! I scolded myself. You're in a life and death situation and you think how sexy he sounds when he's angry?! You're one messed up child, i thought to myself.

Dexter's leg twitched. Barely there movement. He attacked. His dad let go of my hands leaving me dangling in his grasp by the neck.

I screamed in terror because I was now completely over the ledge. If he let go i was dead.

Even a werewolf couldn't survive a five story drop. "Move another inch son and she'sdead." His father said.

Haha. Dexter. I am your father. Cue heavy breathing.

I'm going into hysterics. I never go into hysterics. That's when I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye.

It was... A trampoline.

The beta. Blake I believe his name was smiled up at me and pointed down at the trampoline.

I feverishly shook my head. He motioned that it was okay and he would catch me.

I closed my eyes, gave a small shout and scratched Dexter's father's hand. He gave a hoarse cry and dropped me.


I'm getting good at cliff hangers!





Sorry but I'm tired. But I kind of want more comments this time please. It gives me something to look forward to :).


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