Chapter 2

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**No Copyright Intended

I was shocked. I guess I better tell you what else happend. This is it:

We left the restarunt and went to his room.

 "Roza, Roza, Roza." Dimitri murmerd over and over. "I love you so much, more than you will ever know."

 "Dimka, I love you too." I said then started to kiss him passiontly.

 Then things got serious, I won't go into that. Ha ha. Well not that serious, but still.


 I left the room about an hour later after alot of talking, we mostly talked actually. Wedding plans, etc. Anyway I left to go see Lissa and tell her the news, I have a cell phone now, its an iPhone 4, I could have texted her but I wanted to tell her in person, I got to her room in 10 minutes from praticlly running there. I knocked 4 times and she finally answered.

 "Rose! I thought you were spending the day with Dimitri?" Lissa said.

 "I am, but I came to tell you something." I said. She let me in her room, I saw Christian there. Thats why I knocked more I usallt only have to knock once. "Hey Christian," I said.

 "Hey Rose."

 I sat down in a chair and Lissa sat in the one beside me.

 "So I met Dimitri in the resturant and he proposed!" I praticaly screamed.

 "Oh my God Rose thats amazing!" She jumped out of her chair the same time I did and we hugged and we both started jumping around the room. It was too funny.

 "Congrats Rose." Christian said from his place on the bed.

 "Thanks Christian."

 "Rose! When is the wedding? Where do you want it to be? Who's planning it?" Lissa asked.

 "We were thinking you could plan it if you want. We decided to have it at Court, since its where the guests are the safest."

 "I'd be honored to plan your wedding Rose." Lissa said.

 "Oh God. I need to get out of here. There is too much girly stuff going on." Christian complained, with his usaul smirk.

 I laughed. "Of course Christian, this is just too much for your manly self to handle, but leave if you must."

 "Oh I'm sorry Christian. Well if you are serious..." Lissa said smiling.

 "Yeah, I need to go anyway, I'm meeting Eddie, we are gonna go and cause trouble." He said and gave Liss a kiss on the cheek.

 "Ok don't cause too much trouble." She said.

 "I'll try not too." He said with a smirk. "Bye."

 "Bye." Lissa and I said.


"So should we talk about the plans with Dimitri or just us?" Lissa asked.

 "I think we should meet with Dimitri at least once to see what he thinks." I said.

 "Yeah thats a good idea."

 "Should we start planning now or wait a bit?"

 "I think we should wait a bit, but not to long. I wanna go and meet back with Dimitri." I said.

 "Alright. Well have fun."

 "Thanks, Bye." I said.

 "Bye Rose," Lissa said and I left, to go meet with my fiancee.

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