Chapter 9: Found

Depuis le début

"What do you mean?" she asked

"I saw a dragon. It was out over the fields, flying slowly past. It was yellow, like you, but without the metal shell, and about the same size, or a little bigger," he said excitedly.

Silver was wide-awake by the time he had finished, "Where did you say this dragon was?"

"Just over the fields, over there," he said, pointing south over a large area of open ground.

"Thank you for telling me," said Silver, getting out of her nest. Her rest was going to have to wait.

"Oh, and Silver," said Greg before the dragoness could take off, "It had this strange thing on its head. I couldn't see it properly but it was in between its horns."

Silver frowned, feeling worry build up inside her. If what Greg said was true then her time with the farmers may be over. Shrugging her wings she took off into the air with a single flap and shot high into the sky, using the clouds as cover while she searched for the dragon.

For nearly an hour she searched, looking over the distant landscapes for any sign of an electric dragon that fit Greg's description. Of course the boy may have seen it wrong but Greg was usually pretty accurate with what his senses. Though the dragon may not have friendly intentions she couldn't help but be excited. It had been nearly a year since she had had any interactions with her own kind. The only people to celebrate her seventh hatch day with her had been humans with no idea of dragon customs, and she was missing her ability to fly with other creatures of her own species. Birds were boring companions in the air.

Eventually her hopes faded. Maybe Greg hadn't seen the dragon, or maybe it had just flown off before she could find it. With a sad sigh she began to fly back to where her nest was. Tiredness began to way her down once again as well as a small bout or depression. She had been looking forward to meeting the dragon.

As she came out over the house something caught her view. Darren was standing on the driveway, stock still as a yellow dragon stalked towards him. The very stance of the dragon was threatening. Wings were raised slightly, making itself seem bigger. Its tail was swishing slightly behind it as it got ready to pounce at its prey.

Silver didn't hesitate. Her wings closed and she dived head first towards the dragon. It pounced, and Silver collided with it in mid-air. With a large thump both dragons collided into the ground. Silver was instantly on her feet, standing protectively in front of Darren, wings raised and teeth bared, snarling viciously.

The other dragon was slightly slower to recover, rolling to its feet and backing up from the threatening view of the silver dragoness. Both stared at each other for a moment, sizing the other up, taking their time in recovering from the drastic clash. Suddenly Silver's wings dropped in recognition.

"Zepos?" She said in disbelief.

"Hey Silver," the electric dragon grinned slightly.

He had grown over the past year. He was bigger then her by quite a bit, nearly a full foot. A few new scars and scratches were present around his neck. His horns and wings were longer, and his scales seemed to gleam healthily. But through it all he looked tired, like he was straining against something. In between his horns was a strange red device, the same as what the scarred man had fired at the earth dragon and her during their fight.

"What are you doing here?" She growled.

"I've come for you," he said, though he didn't sound like he was trying to woo her this time, "I've been ordered to bring you in alive."

"Bring me in?" the dragoness snorted.

"The humans that attacked us have ordered me to do so, so I must do it," he said.

The Silver Dragon (Unpublished, unedited version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant