Words Hurt/ Where's Vanni?

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"You said what you said when words are knifes its hard not to forget"

I basically just stormed out like a little kid having a tantrum. But I don't care,

this isn't like Vanni to just disappear like this and no one is even concerned. They just continued with their life's like nothing has even happened.

But I refuse to. I pulled out my phone out and dialled her number. It rung. And on the last ring someone finally picked up.

"Hello...??" I said shakily. No answered, all I heard was heavy breathing. I choked out. "Vanni. Van. Vanni" I stuttered. The line went dead. Tears started streaming down my face.

I was so distracted that I didn't even hear the tour bus door open and close. I looked behind me and saw Ross. He studied my face then ran to my side.

"Court what's wrong?, why are you crying?"

I looked down, embarrassed that he saw me crying. "It's. it's. Nothing. Just go back to your family" I said with a bit of arrogance in my voice.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong" he said not taking the hint that I wanted him to leave.

I took a deep breath preparing myself for what I was going to say knowing it would not just hurt him by me also. "How about you stop being so damn clingy and fucking leave me alone"I yell

my heart ached as the words left my mouth. I couldn't even look at his face, i was being such a coward. Those words were bad enough to say, I couldn't handle seeing the hurt on his face too. That would just break my heart more then it already is..

I've been walking around this city all night thinking it would help clear my head, but it didn't help. All my thoughts were Riker. Riker, Riker, Riker. You might say it's the Riker show in my brain.

I wonder if he's thinking of me too? Pfftt who am I kidding he probably doesn't even realize that I'm gone.

There's something going on with him. I don't know, i just can't put my finger on it. I should just stop thinking about this all together. I continued walking until I saw a bed and breakfast.

I thought because I been walking all night it'd be good to get some food into me and get some rest since my feet were aching

I walked in and looked around. All the decor made me think of home. I smiled. "Can I help you miss?" A little old grey haired lady asked, her English accent strong.

I pushed a piece of lose hair behind my ear before speaking up. "Um, yeah. I was wondering if you had a room available."

She looked at me and turned around. "You're just In luck. A room just opened up" and her frail little hands picked up a set of keys and passed them to me.

I smiled. "Thank You" She nodded and walked me to my room. "If you're thirsty they're drinks In the fridge. Clean linens In the bathroom and if you want something to eat just use the phone beside the bed and we'll bring you something up".

I stared at a t.v that looked older then I was. "Does the tv still work?" I asked hopeful. She turned around. "It should" she replied while she turned it on.

I sighed in relief. Good it works, something to keep me sane until I get back. I patted the back of my jean pockets and pulled my wallet out and handed the lady money.

All she did was smile then left. I sighed. I guess I should phone Courtney. I patted my pockets again and start panicking when I felt my phone not there. "Shit it must of fallen out" I frowned. But then remembered the phone the lady told me about. Maybe it will work for local calls too. I ran to it and started dialling her number. It started ringing. After the seventh ring she finally picked up.

"Hello...?" She said tiredly. "Court it's me, Vanni." I could hear her sigh in relief.

"Okay one two three. One two three. That's good Andy you're picking this up real fast" Allison says.

"Are you sure, i feel like my footings off" he said hesitant. "No babe you're fine. Give yourself some more credit. Now lets rehearse the dance again" he nods.

But just as we're about to start my phone starts playing the melody of smile. I sigh in frustration. "Gimme a sec" I say then walk off. I sit on a bench close by and smile when I see who it is.

(Text conversion)

Riker: Hey what's up? 😁

I reply quickly.

Allison: In rehearsals with Andy💃

Riker: Oh shit I didn't look at the time before texting you. Sorry for interrupting. I hate timezones 😰

Allison: No,no. It's fine. But I should really get going. 🏃💨
But text me later and tell me how tour going.

Riker: Kay, Kay. Ally Cat.

Allison: How many times have I told you not to call me that haha 😹😹

Riker: Oops my bad 😅

Allison: Bye Riker

(End of Conversion)

I didn't even give him a chance to reply. I just clicked my phone off and walked back to Andy. He just stares at me.

"Everything okay?" He asks with concern in his voice. I shrugged to find my words. "Um yeah. It was just twitch. Weslie wasn't feeling good so he had to pick her up from school" i said lying through my teeth.

"Awe that's horrible. Tell her I say get well soon" I look at him and smile. I will

A/N Holy rabies Riker texted Allison! What do you think he'll do? Will he confess his feelings for her or will he stay with Savannah. Tell me your opinion in the comments below. And also remember to vote comment and share. Would really like to continue with this story. Well it's three a clock my time *sings 3am by Busted* xD so am going to bed. Have a safe fun Halloween everybody :) - Candace

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