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It was now the next day, around mid-morning. You were sitting on a park bench, looking at the few people who were out enjoying the morning breeze. You spent most of the night thinking over all the events that had happened the day before. What little sleep you did have, you had on the very same bench you were now sitting on.

"Hey can you pass that to us?" a girl called out to you as a Frisbee landed near your feet. You nodded and tossed the toy to her. "Thanks!" she yelled as she caught it and continued to play with her friend. You watched the two of them play for a second before turning to look up at the sky.

'looks like a dog...' you thought with a sigh about one of the scattered clouds. You were surprisingly very calm right now. After thinking almost all night, your mind was much clearer.

'Eric did not die because of me,' you reassured yourself. 'Ursula acquired the power of darkness and was going to use that power to kill Ariel, Eric, and who knows what else she planned to do. I did good by saving Ariel and killing Ursula. If I wasn't there, Ariel would be dead for sure and Ursula would still be running rampant. It was a good thing I was there. . . Eric still lost his life, but I'm sure he regrets nothing. He lost his life protecting someone he loved. . . I should have been able to protect him, but I can't change that any more. I did good,...' You nodded to yourself.

"but next time I'll do better."

At this time you got up from the bench and stretched before putting on you backpack. You started towards the walking trail, and pulled you phone from out of your pocket to see the time. It was 10:40.

'No wonder I'm hungry. I skipped breakfast.' You thought with a grumble, but continued walking on the trail. 'I also have to find a new job and a place to crash...' you mentally complained. For a bit you thought about going back to see Ariel. She could probably use some company at a time like this, but still you decided against it. You didn't want to see her crying or mourning Eric, you weren't sure you could handle it. You just wanted to put it all behind you and move on, as selfish as that was.

You glanced back at your phone, rereading the messages that Vanitas had left you last night.

-You were right.-

-Last time you said I missed you and u were right. That's why I attacked you because I hated that u were right. I hate that I missed you. You're my weakness and hate having a weakness-

-that's why I have to get rid of you, so I won't hate myself for my weakness. {Name} this is a warning. Next time I see you, I will kill you.-

"He's so dramatic," you said, while shaking your head before you typing your reply.

-Come at me-

You sent the message then put the phone back into your pocket.

Dramatic or not, you were sure that he was mostly serious about what he said.

"Vani, you are so slow." You sighed as you continued on the trail. In truth you understood how he felt, you two were both of the same breed. You had gone through those thoughts already, but about him. You had to choose what hurt more: having Vanitas die by your hand or knowing you would always care for him, making you weak and giving you an unnecessary emotional burden that would result in self-blame. It took time, but you made your choice, and you knew Vanitas had to make his.

"He seems to be leaning towards the 'kill me' option though,... Maybe I should be worried.." you thought as you trailed back from where you came, deciding you should leave the park and go find food.

Before you could make your way completely out of the park, you got hit in the back of your head with a Frisbee.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!" the same girl from earlier yelled as she came running towards you.

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