Chapter 1

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This one girl believed that she had the most messed up life in the world. This girls name was Gabby Thore,and she was only eleven years old when she thought this. This is how it all got stared. In sixth grade she was a new student to her school, over a few weeks she still had no friends. The next day a girl name Jai Troller came up to her and said "your the ugliest girl here and no boy will ever love you, because your a bitch!" She didn't want to sit there and just be insulted so she got up and said "your the stupidest person alive, your the worst kind of person to be alive I hope you die so I won't have to look at your ugly ass face anymore." Then all of a sudden the principle, mr.bugti walks over and say you two are to go to my office right after school. The day pasted and all Gabby could think about,was why her life was so stupid and why it sucked to be at this new school she didn't even the end of the day they both went to mr.bugti's office. He said " you two have got into a fight this afternoon may I ask what was it about?" Before Gabby could even open her mouth to talk jai bluered out " it was nothing just got into a little disagreement." Jai shoot Gabby with a glare as if she was telling her to play along with the story. Gabby knew that was the wrong thing to do, but she went along cause she didn't want to deal with trouble to explain it all. Mr.bugti came to an agreement that they had to do lunch duty for a week, and they had to do it together. The next day jai and Gabby had to work out their problems, jai still had that annoying smerk on her face. Gabby glared at her she tried making small talk but, jai just ignored her. After lunch Gabby couldn't stop thinking about what to do about jai.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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