Halloween Chapter 2015

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A hand on your shoulder stops you.

You're swiftly turned around and face-to-face with someone you've never met before, but the smirk on their face and twisted glint in his eye said that you didn't ever want to meet him.

"Hey there, young and gorgeous. You didn't think you were gonna leave me out here did you?"

"Actually, I need  to be getting back..."

"Nonsense! You got me...but not for long..." he said as he grabbed you and pulled you into a nearby dark alley. You began kicking and screaming and fighting back as hard as you could, but he was to strong for you. Your mind was racing with thoughts...'This is it....this is the end for me...I'll never get to tell any of my friends how much they mean to me...or tell dirk how much I love him...oh dirk...Dirk...wait...DIRK!!'

"DIRK HELP ME!!!!" You screamed as loud as you can, and the man who pulled you into the alley was now trying to shove a rag in your face. You kicked and squirmed, trying to keep the rag away from your face.

"He can't help you now. No one can. Man you are quite the flighty broad...I might have to just put you out of your misery before I get to have any fun with ya..."

In the little light you were given, you heard a small click and could barely make out the glint of metal.

'Oh god he has a knife! They're going to find me dead by stab wounds, oh my god this is not how I pictured my end. Oh my god oh my god dirk where are you!'

"DIIIIIRRRRK!!!!" You screamed again, but this time, your scream was not in vain. You heard multiple running footsteps, and the man was knocked off of you in an instant. You felt strong arms lifting you, and your turned to see Sollux lifting you up. You spun your head to see the man who was your assailant moments before, now being pummeled and beaten by Dirk and several other guys. You for sure saw Jake, Dave, and Cronus letting him have it, but you could also make out Karkat and even Meenah? You suppose she had rightfully belonged there.

The man had gone still, blubbering out his surrender and apologies, and they stopped as soon as he waved the white flag. Dirk crouched down, picked up the man by his collar, and leaned in close to him, uttering out words you couldn't make out.

Dirk stopped in the middle of everything, and snapped his head up to look at you, dropping the mans collar in the process as he stood, rushing over to you. You practically leapt into his arms when he reached for you, and tears started to roll down your cheeks.

"I was s-so s-scared Dirk. I thought I was gonna die and I would never get to tell you or anyone else how much you all mean to me and I wouldn't be able to tell you I love you or anything like that ever again and I didn't know what to do but scream...." You babbled on and on as you cried into his shoulder as he held you.  He pulled you close to his chest and softly whispered comforting "shoosh' noises into your hair.

You had gone back inside after you cried yourself dry, and you realized how tired you were. You were beginning to doze off against Dirk's shoulder, he smiled softly as he lifted you up.

"Let's go back home, okay? We need some rest." He said softly, and you nodded against his chest, too exhausted to even answer back.


Dirk pushed the door to his house open with you in his arms, and closed it quietly with his foot. He brought you to his room and laid you on his bed carefully, as to not wake you. Your eyes fluttered open anyway, and he smiled apologetically.

"Hey...I was trying to not wake you up..."

"It's okay...I need to change anyway..." You mumbled softly as you stood up. You walked over to your drawer that Dirk had designated for your stuff, and pulled out a set of pj's to change into.

"You want me to give you some priv-...or you could just throw off your clothes like that. Whatever."

"In all honesty, Dirk, I'm too tired to care about it. You're my boyfriend, and you've seen me already. Why should I hide from you?" You mumbled softly, and you were changed in a matter of moments, tossing your costume to the side.

"You gonna be alright after what happened tonight? You seem off..."

"I guess I'm still in shock...I was seconds away from death...or at least a lot of bleeding...I didn't know if I was going to be able to tell everyone how much I cared, or tell you how much you mean to me...I thought I was going to leave this world on a tragedy...and you...what would you have done? I know you well enough to know you wouldn't have coped well...I probably couldn't stand myself for that, even in the afterlife."

Dirk seemed to mull this over for a moment, then took off his shades and opened his arms for you, to which you smiled and climbed into his lap.

"________, I will never, ever let anything like that happen to you ever again, okay? I swear I will always protect you, and I will always be by your side to keep you safe, alright? I should have gone outside with you...I really should have...we hadn't spoken much tonight at all, and I should have taken the opportunity to go with you and talk to you...I'm sorry..."

You looked up at Dirk and smiled, reassuring him that he couldn't have known.

"It's also my fault for leaving the front of the building...If I hadn't been so curious, maybe none of it would have happened..."

"All I know is that you're safe now, and that all we can do is try to avoid it from happening again." He said softly, and you nodded.

He leaned down and planted a small kiss on your lips, and you smiled as you softly kissed him back. He smiled as he stood up with you in his hands and laid you down in the bed, shuffling in next to you and turning out the light.

"Let's get some rest...I love you, ________."

You curled up to his warm body, and smiled.

"I love you too, Dirk."


a/n: I hope you all enjoyed. Have a safe and happy Halloween, and eat all the candies!!! <3

Dirk X Reader (LEMON)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz