Chapter Ten

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So like I said, I'm posting one of these chapters a day. They aren't going to be as long, but I hope you enjoy them just as much.

If you don't like Doctor Who, I'm sorry for this chapter.

Vomment and fan!!!!!!

Love you guys!



Chapter 10

John and I were about half-way through one of the items on the bucket list.

We were going out of order, so we started with number four: watch all of the seasons of a show together.

We decided to watch Doctor Who because John had been meaning to watch it since I had come back after pretending to be dead. Also because it had fourteen seasons. That was seven more than there had been all those years ago.

The bucket list gave John a false sense of security. In his mind, he thought that I couldn't die until everything on the list was completed.

But I knew better.

Even though I had started chemotherapy and it would keep me around for longer, I knew that even with that, I had four years to live at absolute best.

But I humored John and watched his show with him.

We had started Season Seven the previous night. We had got up to a ridiculous episode called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. I had a hard time believing so many things on this show, but that one took the cake.

We had already watched two episodes tonight: A Town Called Mercy and the Power of Three. Now we were on The Angels Take Manhattan.

It was a good episode, my favorite so far. I liked how everything was fitting into place.

The Weeping Angels didn't scare me. I was fascinated at the concept of them. The writers were geniuses.

Then came the part where Amy Pond and her husband Rory stood on top of Winter Quey, the Statue of Liberty standing behind them, a terrific scowl on her face.

Rory was upset because he had seen himself die in the room below.

But I wasn't expecting him to get onto the ledge of the roof.

I felt John shift uncomfortably next to me.

"We can skip this if you want," I offered.

"No, I'm okay...are you?" John checked.

I nodded and smiled at him weakly.

Is there a way down?

No. But there's a way out.

What are you doing? Rory, what are you doing? Rory, stop it. You'll die.

Yeah, twice. In the same building on the same night. Who else could do that.

Just come down, please.

This is the right thing to do. This will work. If I die now, it's a paradox right? The paradox'll kill the Angels. Tell me I'm wrong, Go on, please. Because I am really scared. Great. The one time you can't manage it. Amy. I'm gonna need a little help here.

I looked down at John. I could tell he was trying too hard not to be bothered by this. I would have said something, but I knew how he got when anyone questioned his bravery. Who was I to do that? John was ten times more brave than I would ever be.

Just stop it!

Just think it through, this will work. This will kill the Angels.

it will kill you too.

Will it? River said that this place would be erased from time, never existed. If this place never existed what did I fall off?

You think you'll just come back to life.

When don't I?


Anyway, what else is there? Dying of old age downstairs, never seeing you again? Amy, please. If you love me, then trust me and push.

I can't.

You have to!

Could you? Could you if it was me? Could you do it?

To save you, I could do anything.

Prove it.

But I can't take you too.

You said we'd come back to life. Money-where-your-mouth-is time.

Amy, but-

Shut. Up. Together. Or not at all.

I gulped as I watched Amy climb onto the ledge, holding Rory for stability. Even if their theories were correct and the paradox would bring them back, I knew that nothing good could come of this episode.

The Doctor burst through the doors to the roof and saw them standing on the edge. He tried to stop them, but Amy and Rory had already made up their minds. They had each other and that was all that mattered.

I gripped John around the shoulder as they jumped. He buried his head into my neck.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear.

John said nothing. He did nothing. He stared blankly at the screen. We watched as a leftover weeping angel took Rory into the past. Amy couldn't bear to do anything but follow him. She left the Doctor. Left the life of travelling through time. Left the life of adventure all for one man that she couldn't bear to be without.

Just like that the episode was over.

John still sat still.

"John, look at me please," I said.

He turned his head to look into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

John rolled his eyes, "Sherlock, I'm fine. That was a really long time ago. I'll never forget what it felt like to lose you, but it doesn't hurt as much now. All that matters is that you came back to me and we have each other."

I smiled. John was always so level headed. He knew exactly what he felt most of the time and was able to convey his feeling simply. That was something that I had never learned to do.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too, Sherlock," he kissed me.

"So are you okay to watch more?" I asked.

"Well, it can't get much more heartbreaking than that. I think it would be safe to continue," John joked.

We watched five more episodes that night. I liked Clara. She was clever.

While we watched Hide, John began to nod off. I pulled him close to me and threw a blanket over the two of us. That was how we slept that night.

It was times like this that made me forget that I was dying.

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