Chapter Eight: Raid

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          A moment later, Leo answers calmly in a perfected tone, “I’m afraid that your informant must have been sorely mistaken, sir. You know how those sorts of people get, I assume, caught up in their false notions of gangsters and the like.” He smiles cordially at the other man.

          Woolridge’s eyes bore into his unflinchingly as he replies, “Let me be quite clear with you, Mr. Grey. This search is not optional. The fifth amendment of our great Constitution allows me to search if there is probable cause- of which I have plenty, I can assure you. Now I am going to give you two options. Make your decision with care.”

          “I’m going to get the last laugh, of that you can be sure,” Leo spits out harshly in a vain attempt to regain his control over the situation.

          “Come now, Mr. Grey,” reprimands Woolridge. “It won’t do for you to threaten me and get yourself into deeper trouble.” Satisfied that Leo does not add in his specific insults that are racing through his mind, he continues in his same mocking tone. “Your first option is to keep silent while my men sort out this mess. If you choose not to do so, we will not alert the journalists who will be no doubt clambering  at your gates tomorrow morning.”

          “And the second?” he asks harshly.

          “You tell us the names of the men you killed last night and any other contraband items that you might possess inside that house. In return we will not take the matter any further aside from sending you to jail. The press will not be alerted and you will have our protection.”

          “In prison,” he spits scathingly. “It’s worthless there. I will be ruined either way!”

          “But you must make a decision,” urges Woolridge. “That is exactly what men like you fail to understand. Life comes with consequences and you must learn to accept them no matter how much they will destroy your reputation.”

          “Isn’t there a better way out?”

          Woolridge barks out a cruel laugh. “Sometimes there aren’t any loopholes, Mr. Grey. There are times when you must be punished for your sins. So what will it be? Silence and a ruined reputation or jail and my personal protection?”

          Leo’s eyes burn into his. “You truly are the spawn of hell, Woolridge. And as for my decision, I choose neither.” Woolridge begins to protest but falls silent as Christian Lloyd comes to Leo’s aid.

          “Well said,” he says heartily, clapping Leo on the back and flashing a roguish smile at Woolridge.  Turning to his employer he says, “I heard about what happened and I drove out here as quickly as I could. I’ll put a stop to this catastrophe before it spreads any further, you have my word.”

          “You will do no such thing, sir!” sputters Woolridge in outrage, his plump cheeks coloring as he twirls his mustache with a renewed vigor.

          Christian pulls back his coat to reveal a .22  revolver. “I believe that I can do anything I’d like. Now if you would be so kind as to direct your men to replace the items that they have barbarically dragged out and leave, I would be grateful.” When Woolridge plants himself firmly between Christian and the house like a sort of fat blockade, he adds menacingly, “And I’ll shoot anyone who stands in my way.”

          Trying to regain what is left of his dignity, Woolridge calls off his men, who stop abruptly and begin to repair the damage as obediently as dogs. Satisfied that his advances have worked, Christian pulls Leo aside into the shadows.

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