Chapter Seven: The First Ceremonial

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A/N: Check out the banner for Helen Grey on the side! :) That is all.

Chapter Seven: The First Ceremonial

Leo's demeanor had shifted as soon as he and Florence had set foot into Mason. This had been his boyhood home; where he grew up dreaming and causing good-natured mischief with his group of friends. Everything is the same as it had been since he left it, and it is this fact that both satisfies and deeply perturbs him for reasons that he cannot understand.

"What are you thinking?" Florence wonders aloud as he leads the way to Helen's house. It is at the end of the street, or rather, the end of the entire town. Mason was the sort of place that fellows like him came speeding through in their cars, blinked for an instant, and then missed the town altogether. After she poses her question, he realizes that he has not spoken since his reunion with Silas.

"How I possibly could have let myself turn into what I am," he answers quietly.

"How are you different?"

"What you might see isn't the person that I was when I lived here," he says, sweeping a wide hand around to reveal the tiny homes and sheltered street. "No one of interest ever came or went. Everyone stayed here from birth until they died and were buried in the cemetery behind that church," he indicates the small white chapel across the street.

"But not you," Florence eggs him on.

"No. Definitely not me. It was always too perfect and naïve here. I needed a place where I could expand my mind and my business. Chicago was the first place that I thought of." They stop before a two story farmhouse, its siding painted a yellowing shade of white. There is a garden planted in the corner of the yard but that is the only spot of crops. One window glows with a flickering light and they can see each other's faces clearly again. Leo goes up the creaking steps to the wrap-around porch and does not even stop to knock before opening the screen door. It squeaks shrilly as he holds it open for her to step inside before him.

Florence wipes her shoes absently on the faded doormat and takes in her new surroundings. A narrow staircase with a walnut banister is before her, leading to the second floor. Next to that is a small sort of open parlor with a modest fire place and two upholstered chairs. She trails after Leo as he goes through this room, placing his hat on the ball of the banister with a practiced movement. He heads straight into the kitchen were the smell of freshly baked bread wafts tantalizingly from a cooling rack on the counter. A red checkered cloth has been smoothed over the table and a vase of cheerful wildflowers placed on top of this, giving an overall homey effect to the place. Florence's brow furrows in confusion as she sees not a soul in sight.

"I'm certainly glad to see you back here." Both of them whip towards the doorway that is adjacent to the kitchen. A tall woman with a slender form stands in it, her color high and her blue eyes flashing as they catch the light. She appears to be in her late forties and her blonde hair with streaks of gray is piled into a bun on the top of her head. She strides towards them, her height giving her the air of someone much more regal. This is broken, however, when a tear slips down her cheek at the sight of Leo. Neither bothers to elaborate the connection between them so Florence keeps wisely silent on the fray of the scene.

"Ma," Leo manages hoarsely, his voice thick and cracking with emotion. He crushes the woman into a tight embrace as she begins to sob. His icy and carefree manner has softened considerably as he holds the older woman in his arms, rocking her gently from side to side to calm her. "It's all right. Shh, shh," he soothes, patting her back. "I'm here now, don't you see? I'm fine. Everything's fine." He pulls away slowly, holding his arms out for inspection. "See? All in one piece." Only Florence can see that he locks his jaw slightly at the half-truth. Barely. He had barely made it here in one piece, she corrects mentally.

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