DAY 01

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The blinding light caused me to raise my hand over my eyes to shield it away. The rest of the bright world took awhile to focus down for me to see where I was. In the parking lot of Oakwood Hospital. But something was seriously wrong here. The cars. They didn't look right. In fact, nothing felt right. How did I even get here in the first place? And where the hell is everyone? 

I started to remember a series of events. First a road. Then a 1986 Dodge Caravan. And then... Nothing. 

Obviously, what I needed where answers to my previous questions. Especially the missing persons. It was like not a person on the planet was here to accompany me. Like the whole world stopped but I had lived on. 

A bike placed in the distance caught my attention. I ran to it. My bare feet hurt as they were obliterated by various small rocks. I made my way to the bike, got on it, and rode down 7th Avenue. A good 8 miles left and I'd be at home where I could say hi to my mother. 


Arriving at the front, I ditched the bike and walked up the stairs to my home. Walking up to the door and turning the handle, I found the door completely unlocked. I swung it open.


No answer.

"Mom? You left the front door open!" 

Still nothing.


This wasn't  helping. I was obviously alone in my home. I looked outside with curiosity. Not a soul had I come across on my way to my house. There was something seriously wrong here...

-NIGHT 01-

It's has been quiet. No electricity works, so my options have been limited to one thing. Reading a book. My house has now come from sorta lit to pitch dark. I couldn't see anything two feet from my face. I put my book down and rolled myself up in my covers. 

My eyes are heavy, My limbs are week, and in a matter of minutes, I fall into a deep sleep.

-END OF DAY 01-  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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