Dance with me

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I know this took forever and I am sowwy :c but heres the next chapter so I hope you like it?

-Chelsea \m/


The party really got going and people were everywhere. The black lights were on and everything was all neon and bright. The music was pumping and people were enjoying themselves... except for me. I was on the couch questioning why I had even agreed to come here. I was finishing my last can of beer when he came. My oh my, was he hot or what? I smiled at Jason as he took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Now normally, I would have declined the offer but due to my sudden braveness I joined him. Well genius now you have to get going so dance! I looked around and saw everyone grinding so thats exactly what I did. I turned around and let my ass do the magic, and in return Jason wrapped his arms around my waist and moved along to the beat.

After dancing for what seemed like forever he asked me if I wanted to watch a movie with him upstairs. But honey let me tell you, the look he was giving said we would do anything but watch a movie! And guess what I did? I said sure! He took my hand and led me up the stairs and to his room. I think. We walked in and what do we see? Rachel waiting on the bed in lingerie! Yeah thats right LINGERIE!! I stood there with my mouth open and Jason had his hand running through his hair as he stared at Rachel's extremely sexy body. Lucky bitch. She smiled enjoying the attention and slowly ran her hand up her thigh. Um... ok?

"I was waiting for you." she purred at Jason, once again completely ignoring my exsistence.

"Rachel, get out of my room."

"Why, I picked out this little outfit for you. Haha, and I know you like it because you keep staring here." She waved at her body and I was about ready to leave...and vomit.

"Uh, I think I'll go in the kitchen..." I said and was about to leave when Jason grabbed my hand telling me to stay. So I stayed.

"Oh Jason come on you can bring your little friend too. We could all have fun... the three of us. I mean no doubt she's a virgin so you know she could watch and learn a few things." She glared at me then fake smiled.

"I'm not a virgin..." I said. This caused both of them to snap their heads at me. Was it that surprising? To get back at that bitch I swung my arm around Jason's waist and pulled him closer as I said "So maybe YOU could learn a few things." Take that bitch.

She got up and was heading straight towards me and Jason quickly stood infront of me to protect me.

"Don't go there bitch!" she spat as she desperately tried to push Jason out of the way.

"I just did, you whore!" I shouted back. Oh my god was I really saying this? It was like my brain and mouth were connected and I had no filter.

"Get out!" Jason grabbed her by the arm and effortlessly shoved her out the door and locked it. Woah.

"She'll go away." he waved his hand and let out a sigh. "So how about that movie?"

"Sure." I said and I sat down on his bed as he turned on the T.V. and put in a movie. I watched as he bent down and looked through some movies cases. What a beautiful back, so muscular and strong. My eyes skimmed down to his perfectly shaped butt, then to his tall legs which I assumed were beautiful but the jeans made it hard to enjoy.

"Um, it seems my little sister might have taken home the wrong movie case the last time she was here... because trust me I don't watch 'Barbies Adventures'." He held up the pink disc and I laughed. He shrugged and put it in the t.v. and turned off the lights. I was laying down on his bed so warm and soft and I instantly felt sleepy. He lay down next to me and I snuggled closer on his chest. He gently stroked my hair and it felt so good.

"Jason... what are you doing?" I said sleepily. His hand froze and his body got tense.

"I'm petting your hair... it's uh, soft. Sorry. I can stop if you want-"

"No, I mean why did you really bring me here... with you." I gently placed my hand on his chest and waited for his response. He let out a sigh.

"Why does there have to be a reason? I just wanted to show you some fun."

For some reason that made me feel sad. I wasn't sure what I wanted to hear and I just snuggled closer and watched the screen play Barbie and her friend shopping. What was he supposed to say? That he liked me? Is that what I want? Or maybe the real question is do i like him? I shook my head and lazily sat up. I rubbed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. I got up and stretched then made it to the door when he shut off the t.v. and got up too.

"Do you wanna go home?" he asked.

"No. I don't want to go but I have to. I told my mom I was at a friends house." He looked a little upset and then nodded.

"Okay I'll take you home." He said as he threw on a leather jacket that was lying nearby.

"No thats okay. Enjoy your party my friend Dillon and I are going out later so I'll just catch a ride from him."

He looked confused as he shrugged on his leather jacket. "Oh.. Well then I'll just walk you out." He hopped on one foot as he slid his shoe on.

"It's fine, honestly. Thanks for the.. Party experience." I smiled and walked out. As I headed down the stairs I saw Rachel. Oh shit.

"Did you guys do it? That's was fast!" She laughed.

"No, we didn't. Because unlike you I don't open my legs to every guy I meet. Plus we are just friends." I was really starting to hate this girl.

"So I'm a whore?" Her breath reeked of alcohol.

"If the shoe fits.." I passed her and continued for the door. I glanced back and saw Jason talking to Rachel. He seemed annoyed and I left. Why was I feeling sadness.. Maybe the alcohol was messing with my emotions. Hmm. As I walked down the stairs Jason came out.

"Hey I said I'd walk you out didnt I?" He jogged to catch up to me. I merely nodded.

"Hey you ok?" He said as he pulled my arm to stop.

"Yes! Why would I be anything other than fine?" I snapped. "Also, I never asked you to come walk me."

"Hey hey hey! Why are you getting all bitchy? I have been nothing but nice to you."

"I don't know.. I'm sorry!" God, I sounded like a crazy woman. As if on cue, Dillon pulled up infront of the house and I secretly thanked Jesus. "Listen, I'm sorry I'm just not feeling well. See you at school ok?" I nearly leaped in the car.

"Okay.. See ya." He said rather confused.

I was too embarrassed. "Floor it Dillon. Just floor it." Suddenly the car sped past the house and we were away. "I didn't mean literally! Gosh you maniac!"

"What part of "floor it Dillon" did I screw up?"

"Oh what the hell, nevermind." I couldn't wait to go home and take a hot shower. Tonight was too crazy for a nerdy girl like myself.


short chapter but meh. Wasn't planning on posting this considering I'm deleting my account soon but I figured I might as well since it was basically done. IF YOU HAVEN'T YET, FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM WHERE I POST ARTWORK FOR A CHANCE TO BE DRAWN. All you have to do is search my name---> @chelseas_artwork

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- Chelsea \m/

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