Chapter TwentyThree

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It's been 2 weeks since I've met Michael—as in literally met Michael as a wanderer. He didn't handle it too well, but it ended up alright. We've been touring England and I've been living in their tour bus.

The boys are really fun to be around with because they're hilarious(just like me).
*cough cough*

Despite how OFTEN me and Michael fight and argue, he's like my best friend. I have no one else besides him and I'm glad he hasn't shooed me away (yet). I hope he never does...

All the boys were sleeping in their bunks while I was laying on the couch in the back lounge room. I couldn't sleep because I wasn't tired. Thoughts kept tracing my mind on wether or not I'll ever find my home. I've been having those horrible nightmares recently of being invisible and alone forever and I've woken up crying way too many times for Michael to comfort me. He was always there when I needed help and I was always there for him too.

I was snuggling to my stuffed puppy that I named Little Rascal when I heard a soft voice. It sounded like someone was on the phone.

I'm a snoop so I have to keep up with my status. I got up from the couch then I crept over to the bunks. I could make out the voice as Luke's. I paused from behind his curtains as I listened in.

"How's her health?" Luke asked.

All I could hear were soft vague mumbles on the other line. Who was he talking to? Was someone sick? What if he had a secret girlfriend like Ashton does, which he still hasn't confessed to the boys might I add.

I always smacked him on the head (making sure he wouldn't feel it) every time he apologized to Bryana for not confessing about her. Poor Bryana had to remain stashed away in a broken telephone line all the time and I couldn't help but be mad at Ashton for it.

But back to Luke.

"It's been forever, I really miss her." He said.


"Has she gotten any better?" He asked. I could have sworn my ghostly heart that he sounded like he was about to cry. POOR LUKE.

"Wha-really? T-that's great!" He cheered.


"That's an improvement that's, that's, we have hope Jack!"


"Mum must be so happy about that." He said.

I'm going to assume that he was talking to a family member... I wish I had a family. It'd be nice if I had a brother to talk on the phone to and a mother to tuck me in at night. I want to sit down on a dining table during a family dinner and say our graces in unison. I want to laugh and cry when we'd talk about hilarious stories from the past. I want to have picture frames hung around my home with all the memories and adventures I've gone through with them. Pictures where I would exist.

"Could it cover it all?" Luke said, pulling me out of my emotional and pathetic thoughts.

"I'll send my next paycheck over anyway. Alright, take care of her. Love you." He said before finally hanging up. I saw the light of his screen through the thin curtains as he plugged his charger into his phone. He turned quiet which I assumed he went to sleep.

Well, I got nothing out of that case.

I stood up to reach for Michaels bunk and slid the curtains open to find him fast asleep with his little kitten that I named Garfield for him. Ha, and he said he doesn't like stuffed animals. (Note my sarcasm) He was so adorable while sleeping. He really did look like a kitten that was caring and harmless. It resembled his personality so much.

"Sweet dreams." I whispered to him as I closed his curtains. I went back to sleep on my rightful couch as I clung onto Little Rascal.


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