Chapter 4

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"Novia, it's time for testing," Jackson, the warden's son, said maliciously. I refused to let him see the fear in my eyes. He unlocked me and led me to the lab where they'd hurt me. He kicked me behind me the knees and laughed as I fell down. He was a horrible person. He put a padlock on my chains after pulling my wrists close to a table leg. I was stuck.

"Novia, please relax," a scientist said flicking the needle to remove air bubbles. She stabbed the needle into my calf and slowly injected the liquid. It burned. I screamed.

"Get it out of me!" I shrieked. My body tensed up and I shook with intense pain.

"We can't Novia. We want to see what chemicals you can and can't handle. We already know you can regenerate body tissues," the scientist said. I looked at my leg and saw the flesh blacken and bubble as if they injected me with acid. I screamed with pain.

"How could you do this to me?!" I screamed, tears blurring my vision. This is the weakest I've ever been. I started yanking on the chains.

"MAKE IT STOP!" I pleaded. They just watched me and took notes. I tried lashing out at them, but they just moved back. I was only thirteen at the time. I scratched at the bubbling mass on my calf, but it only made it worse. It was horrible. After ten minutes of intense pain, I passed out.


I woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I saw white lab coats everywhere. I hid under my covers and cried to myself, wishing I had been normal. I went downstairs. I found a note on the kitchen table.

Dear Novia,

We were going to tell you about the tests tomorrow, but we missed you so everything is explained in the note. You will be having blood drawn so we can figure all the DNA you're made of. We understand that you don't like needles, so we'll knock you out.

I read the note and dropped it. Blood? No, I need to leave. There was a reason the scientist self-destructed. He didn't want anyone to find out what I was made of because he knew the military would track down the information and make weapons out of the children resulting from the experimentation. It'd be cruel to watch them send young children and teens out onto the battlefield with hopes of killing the enemy. Not to mention, the people would be expendable. The military wouldn't care about them, they could always make more of them. I was the only one the scientist made and he didn't want my blood anywhere out of my body.

I ran into the bedroom and grabbed a backpack. I shoved clothing inside along with money that was left for me for the gift shops. I walked out of the cabin, cinched the backpack straps tight and ran for it. I saw the chain link fence that bordered the research facility. I hopped over it and ran into the forest.

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