Close enough to start a war:Chapter 5

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Close enough to start a war: Chapter 5

"And the pizza?" He asked laughing.

"Fell all over him." I laughed louder than him.

"Will, you look at that?" Lisa says I hear her clear her throat. She turned around with a chuckle on her face. I was laughing uncontrollably that I didn't notice that Evan's arm was around my shoulder when we approached. "I guess I was right."

"Yeah, yeah." I said still laughing. "Don't tell me that you consider yourself a matchmaker now,hmm?" 

"Are you guys ready to go?" Evan interuppted.

I nod, "unless if Lisa wants to stick around and match make someone else?" I teased.

"Ha, I would, but I find that guys are jackasses. No offence, Evan." She answered. I rolled my eyes and took off his arm off of my shoulder.

"Pfft, ouch that stung." He teased putting his hand over his heart. "That was actually really hurtful."

"Suck it up." I answered.

"Pfft," he replies.

"Pff," I say back.

"Kfft," he smiles.

"Okay..."Lisa says, "can we go, I really don't want to be here anymore."

"Sure." Evan and I said at the same time. "Ahh, jinx." We say again.

"You owe me a soda." I exclaimed.

"No, you owe me a soda." He says back.

"Nuh uh," I whined.

"Yeah huh!" He smiled.

"Ugh, I liked it better when you guys hated each other." Lisa retorts.

"Hey, that's your fault, matchmaker." I laughed as we started to walk to the parking lot.

As we were in the car, I would look back a few times at Lisa. She wasn't pulling off the smile that we once left with, she had a pout. As I kept looking back all I wanted do was to get out of this car and sit with her. I wanted to hug her like last night and tell her everything would be alright. I wanted to tell her that the thing about guys being jackasses would soon fade, well if she finds the right one like Evan. Wait what am I saying, I bet he's a jackass too. I glimpsed at Evan. His wavy black hair was combed back, his face was calm.

When we were finally at the house, Lisa hurried out the car and went up to the apartment. What's wrong with her? I shurgged and looked at Evan. I was still sitting down not wanting to get out. "So," I smiled.

"So," He said.

"What should we call this?" I asked hopeful. Wait, what I'm hopeful? Why am I hopeful?

"I don't know." He answered scrunching his hair.

"Are you sure?" I asked tilting my head.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"What? Me get hurt, why would I get hurt?" I questioned.

"Never mind," he said shaking his head," goodnight." He leans in and kisses me on my forehead.

"Ugh, whatever." I replied opening the door and getting out. "You can call me now." I smiled.

He chuckled. "I'll do that."

 "Okay." I laughed. I shut the door and watch him drive away. As I walked up the stairs and into the apartment, I smiled to myself feeling strange feelings. Oh god am I dying? I shook my head stupidly and headed towards  the elevator.

God, Darlene is he not interested is that why he said he doesn't want me to get hurt? Ugh, what am I even talking about, I didn't even want this to happen. I wasn't planning someone? Wait, wait I don't even love him! I shouldn't even be thinking too much of this. He's the one that likes me not me.

 When I walked into the door of the apartment, I saw the same Lisa as I saw yesterday. God damn it. "Lisa," I exclaimed, "put down that tub of ice cream!"

"No!" she shouts.

"I will tackle you, so hope to god." I demanded.

"Darlene, please." She retorts. "Leave me alone and call your new boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." I answered crossing my arms while rolling my eyes.

"Typical." she says.

"Oh, what does that supposed to mean?" I exclaimed.

"Nothing." She says stuffing the ice cream in her mouth.

"No, no don't keep quiet. Say what you were got to say." I demanded.

"No!" she exclaimed after she chugged it down.

"This is about Nate isn't it?" I questioned.

"Noo," she says sarcastically.

"Get over him!" I pleaded.

"I just can't Darlene!" She exclaims. "It's not that easy getting over someone who you gave it all to, trust me, Darlene. If I could I wouldn't even be eating this, but I'm stressed and mad on why he moved on while I'm just here eating a damn tub of Vanilla ice cream while he's kissing with that...that bitch!"

"She's the rebound Lisa." I explained as I walked over to the couch and plopped down next to her. "Can't you understand that?"

"Rebound or whatever you want to call it, he still moved on." She sighed.

"Look," I said taking the ice cream from her and putting it on the coffee table, "you'll move on too."

"No, I won't." She said leaning in reaching for the ice cream. I hit her on her hand which lead her to put it between her thighs.

"Lisa, he never loved you!"

I looked at her and started to see  tears coming down her cheeks. "God, thank you. Thank you for saying that." She stands up and starts walking into the bathroom. She slammed the door behind her. I looked at my necklace for awhile then yanked it off and threw it across the room.

"I didn't mean it like that." I sigh feeling my own tears streaming down my  face.


Author's note:

I was crying through like halfway and if I umm stopped this short it was because of my damn eyes and I felt like I needed to upload this chapter already and move on to where Evan and Darlene start hanging out more and how the pressure of being together lead Darlene to have more feelings towards him. Anyways, did you like? I haven't seen people really commenting or voting :(( but just please do so and thanks for reading. xx

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